<< Romans 8:7 >>



  • 1 Corinthians 2 14
    The person without the Spirit doesn’t accept the things that come from the Spirit of God. These things are foolish to them. They can’t understand them. In fact, such things can’t be understood without the Spirit’s help.
  • James 4:4
    You are not faithful to God. Don’t you know that to be a friend of the world is to hate God? So anyone who chooses to be the world’s friend becomes God’s enemy.
  • 1John 2:15-16
  • Romans 7:22
    Deep inside me I find joy in God’s law.
  • Ephesians 4:18-19
    They can’t understand the truth. They are separated from the life of God. That’s because they don’t know him. And they don’t know him because their hearts are stubborn.They have lost all feeling for what is right. So they have given themselves over to all kinds of evil pleasures. They take part in every kind of unclean act. And they are full of greed.
  • Hebrews 8:10
    This is the covenant I will establish with the people of Israel after that time, says the Lord. I will put my laws in their minds. I will write them on their hearts. I will be their God. And they will be my people.
  • Colossians 1:21
    At one time you were separated from God. You were enemies in your minds because of your evil ways.
  • 2 Timothy 3 4
    They will turn against their friends. They will act without thinking. They will think they are better than others. They will love what pleases them instead of loving God.
  • Romans 7:7-14
    What should we say then? That the law is sinful? Not at all! Yet I wouldn’t have known what sin was unless the law had told me. The law says,“ Do not want what belongs to other people.”( Exodus 20:17; Deuteronomy 5:21) If the law hadn’t said that, I would not have known what it was like to want what belongs to others.But the commandment gave sin an opportunity. Sin caused me to want all kinds of things that belong to others. A person can’t sin by breaking a law if that law doesn’t exist.Before I knew about the law, I was alive. But then the commandment came. Sin came to life, and I died.I found that the commandment that was supposed to bring life actually brought death.When the commandment gave sin the opportunity, sin tricked me. It used the commandment to put me to death.So the law is holy. The commandment also is holy and right and good.Did what is good cause me to die? Not at all! Sin had to be recognized for what it really is. So it used what is good to bring about my death. Because of the commandment, sin became totally sinful.We know that the law is holy. But I am not. I have been sold to be a slave of sin.
  • Romans 5:10
    Once we were God’s enemies. But we have been brought back to him because his Son has died for us. Now that God has brought us back, we are even more secure. We know that we will be saved because Christ lives.
  • Romans 3:31
    Does faith make the law useless? Not at all! We agree with the law.
  • 2 Peter 2 14
    They stare at women who are not their wives. They want to sleep with them. They never stop sinning. They trap those who are not firm in their faith. They have mastered the art of getting what they want. God has placed them under his judgment.
  • Romans 1:28
    They didn’t think it was important to know God. So God let them continue to have evil thoughts. They did things they shouldn’t do.
  • Jeremiah 13:23
    Can people from Ethiopia change their skin? Can leopards change their spots? It’s the same with you. You have always done what is evil. So how can you do what is good?
  • Psalms 53:1
    Foolish people say in their hearts,“ There is no God.” They do all kinds of horrible and evil things. No one does anything good.
  • John 7:7
    The people of the world can’t hate you. But they hate me. This is because I am a witness that their works are evil.
  • 2 Chronicles 19 2
    Jehu the prophet went out to meet him. He was the son of Hanani. Jehu said to the king,“ You shouldn’t help evil people. You shouldn’t love those who hate the Lord. The Lord is angry with you.
  • Matthew 5:19
    Do not ignore even one of the least important commands. And do not teach others to ignore them. If you do, you will be called the least important person in the kingdom of heaven. Instead, practice and teach these commands. Then you will be called important in the kingdom of heaven.
  • Romans 8:4
    Jesus does for us everything the holy law requires. The power of sin should no longer control the way we live. The Holy Spirit should control the way we live.
  • Romans 1:30
    They tell lies about them. They hate God. They are rude and proud. They brag. They think of new ways to do evil. They don’t obey their parents.
  • Matthew 12:34
    You nest of poisonous snakes! How can you who are evil say anything good? Your mouths say everything that is in your hearts.
  • John 15:23-24
    Whoever hates me hates my Father also.I did works among them that no one else did. If I hadn’t, they would not be guilty of sin. But now they have seen those works. And still they have hated both me and my Father.
  • Galatians 5:22-23
    But the fruit the Holy Spirit produces is love, joy and peace. It is being patient, kind and good. It is being faithfuland gentle and having control of oneself. There is no law against things of that kind.
  • 1 Corinthians 9 21
    To those who don’t have the law I became like one who doesn’t have the law. I did this even though I am not free from God’s law. I am under Christ’s law. Now I can win those who don’t have the law.
  • Exodus 20:5
    Do not bow down to them or worship them. I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God. I cause the sins of the parents to affect their children. I will cause the sins of those who hate me to affect even their grandchildren and great- grandchildren.