Psalms 98:4
Let the whole earth shout to the LORD; be jubilant, shout for joy, and sing.
2 Kings 11 12
Jehoiada brought out the king’s son, put the crown on him, gave him the testimony, and made him king. They anointed him and clapped their hands and cried,“ Long live the king!”
Isaiah 55:12
You will indeed go out with joy and be peacefully guided; the mountains and the hills will break into singing before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands.
Jeremiah 31:7
For this is what the LORD says: Sing with joy for Jacob; shout for the foremost of the nations! Proclaim, praise, and say,“ LORD, save your people, the remnant of Israel!”
Psalms 106:47
Save us, LORD our God, and gather us from the nations, so that we may give thanks to your holy name and rejoice in your praise.
Psalms 46:1
God is our refuge and strength, a helper who is always found in times of trouble.
Revelation 19:1-2
After this I heard something like the loud voice of a vast multitude in heaven, saying, Hallelujah! Salvation, glory, and power belong to our God,because his judgments are true and righteous, because he has judged the notorious prostitute who corrupted the earth with her sexual immorality; and he has avenged the blood of his servants that was on her hands.
Psalms 47:5
God ascends among shouts of joy, the LORD, with the sound of a ram’s horn.
Zechariah 4:7
‘ What are you, great mountain? Before Zerubbabel you will become a plain. And he will bring out the capstone accompanied by shouts of: Grace, grace to it!’”
Luke 19:37-40
Now he came near the path down the Mount of Olives, and the whole crowd of the disciples began to praise God joyfully with a loud voice for all the miracles they had seen:Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord. Peace in heaven and glory in the highest heaven!Some of the Pharisees from the crowd told him,“ Teacher, rebuke your disciples.”He answered,“ I tell you, if they were to keep silent, the stones would cry out.”
Zechariah 9:9
Rejoice greatly, Daughter Zion! Shout in triumph, Daughter Jerusalem! Look, your King is coming to you; he is righteous and victorious, humble and riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey.
1 Samuel 10 24
Samuel said to all the people,“ Do you see the one the LORD has chosen? There is no one like him among the entire population.” And all the people shouted,“ Long live the king!”
Psalms 98:8
Let the rivers clap their hands; let the mountains shout together for joy
2 Chronicles 13 15
and the men of Judah raised the battle cry. When the men of Judah raised the battle cry, God routed Jeroboam and all Israel before Abijah and Judah.
Ezra 3:11-13
They sang with praise and thanksgiving to the LORD:“ For he is good; his faithful love to Israel endures forever.” Then all the people gave a great shout of praise to the LORD because the foundation of the LORD’s house had been laid.But many of the older priests, Levites, and family heads, who had seen the first temple, wept loudly when they saw the foundation of this temple, but many others shouted joyfully.The people could not distinguish the sound of the joyful shouting from that of the weeping, because the people were shouting so loudly. And the sound was heard far away.
2 Samuel 6 15
He and the whole house of Israel were bringing up the ark of the LORD with shouts and the sound of the ram’s horn.
Zephaniah 3:14
Sing for joy, Daughter Zion; shout loudly, Israel! Be glad and celebrate with all your heart, Daughter Jerusalem!