James 5:7-11
Be patient therefore, brethren, until the coming of the Lord. Behold, the husbandman waiteth for the precious fruit of the earth, being patient over it, until it receive the early and latter rain.Be ye also patient; establish your hearts: for the coming of the Lord is at hand.Murmur not, brethren, one against another, that ye be not judged: behold, the judge standeth before the doors.Take, brethren, for an example of suffering and of patience, the prophets who spake in the name of the Lord.Behold, we call them blessed that endured: ye have heard of the patience of Job, and have seen the end of the Lord, how that the Lord is full of pity, and merciful.
Hebrews 10:36-37
For ye have need of patience, that, having done the will of God, ye may receive the promise.For yet a very little while, He that cometh shall come, and shall not tarry.
Psalms 27:14
Wait for Jehovah: Be strong, and let thy heart take courage; Yea, wait thou for Jehovah.
Psalms 62:5
My soul, wait thou in silence for God only; For my expectation is from him.
Proverbs 20:22
Say not thou, I will recompense evil: Wait for Jehovah, and he will save thee.
Habakkuk 2:3
For the vision is yet for the appointed time, and it hasteth toward the end, and shall not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not delay.
Psalms 40:1
I waited patiently for Jehovah; And he inclined unto me, and heard my cry.
Lamentations 3:25-26
Jehovah is good unto them that wait for him, to the soul that seeketh him.It is good that a man should hope and quietly wait for the salvation of Jehovah.
Psalms 62:1
My soul waiteth in silence for God only: From him cometh my salvation.
Jeremiah 12:1
Righteous art thou, O Jehovah, when I contend with thee; yet would I reason the cause with thee: wherefore doth the way of the wicked prosper? wherefore are all they at ease that deal very treacherously?
Isaiah 30:15
For thus said the Lord Jehovah, the Holy One of Israel, In returning and rest shall ye be saved; in quietness and in confidence shall be your strength. And ye would not:
Isaiah 8:17
And I will wait for Jehovah, that hideth his face from the house of Jacob, and I will look for him.
Revelation 13:3-10
And I saw one of his heads as though it had been smitten unto death; and his death- stroke was healed: and the whole earth wondered after the beast;and they worshipped the dragon, because he gave his authority unto the beast; and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? and who is able to war with him?and there was given to him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and there was given to him authority to continue forty and two months.And he opened his mouth for blasphemies against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, even them that dwell in the heaven.And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and there was given to him authority over every tribe and people and tongue and nation.And all that dwell on the earth shall worship him, every one whose name hath not been written from the foundation of the world in the book of life of the Lamb that hath been slain.If any man hath an ear, let him hear.If any man is for captivity, into captivity he goeth: if any man shall kill with the sword, with the sword must he be killed. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints.
Psalms 73:3-14
For I was envious at the arrogant, When I saw the prosperity of the wicked.For there are no pangs in their death; But their strength is firm.They are not in trouble as other men; Neither are they plagued like other men.Therefore pride is as a chain about their neck; Violence covereth them as a garment.Their eyes stand out with fatness: They have more than heart could wish.They scoff, and in wickedness utter oppression: They speak loftily.They have set their mouth in the heavens, And their tongue walketh through the earth.Therefore his people return hither: And waters of a full cup are drained by them.And they say, How doth God know? And is there knowledge in the Most High?Behold, these are the wicked; And, being alway at ease, they increase in riches.Surely in vain have I cleansed my heart, And washed my hands in innocency;For all the day long have I been plagued, And chastened every morning.
Joshua 10:12
Then spake Joshua to Jehovah in the day when Jehovah delivered up the Amorites before the children of Israel; and he said in the sight of Israel, Sun, stand thou still upon Gibeon; And thou, Moon, in the valley of Aijalon.
Galatians 6:9
And let us not be weary in well- doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.
Jonah 1:11
Then said they unto him, What shall we do unto thee, that the sea may be calm unto us? for the sea grew more and more tempestuous.
Ecclesiastes 5:8
If thou seest the oppression of the poor, and the violent taking away of justice and righteousness in a province, marvel not at the matter: for one higher than the high regardeth; and there are higher than they.
Isaiah 10:13-14
For he hath said, By the strength of my hand I have done it, and by my wisdom; for I have understanding: and I have removed the bounds of the peoples, and have robbed their treasures, and like a valiant man I have brought down them that sit on thrones:and my hand hath found as a nest the riches of the peoples; and as one gathereth eggs that are forsaken, have I gathered all the earth: and there was none that moved the wing, or that opened the mouth, or chirped.
Job 21:7-34
Wherefore do the wicked live, Become old, yea, wax mighty in power?Their seed is established with them in their sight, And their offspring before their eyes.Their houses are safe from fear, Neither is the rod of God upon them.Their bull gendereth, and faileth not; Their cow calveth, and casteth not her calf.They send forth their little ones like a flock, And their children dance.They sing to the timbrel and harp, And rejoice at the sound of the pipe.They spend their days in prosperity, And in a moment they go down to Sheol.And they say unto God, Depart from us; For we desire not the knowledge of thy ways.What is the Almighty, that we should serve him? And what profit should we have, if we pray unto him?Lo, their prosperity is not in their hand: The counsel of the wicked is far from me.How oft is it that the lamp of the wicked is put out? That their calamity cometh upon them? That God distributeth sorrows in his anger?That they are as stubble before the wind, And as chaff that the storm carrieth away?Ye say, God layeth up his iniquity for his children. Let him recompense it unto himself, that he may know it:Let his own eyes see his destruction, And let him drink of the wrath of the Almighty.For what careth he for his house after him, When the number of his months is cut off?Shall any teach God knowledge, Seeing he judgeth those that are high?One dieth in his full strength, Being wholly at ease and quiet:His pails are full of milk, And the marrow of his bones is moistened.And another dieth in bitterness of soul, And never tasteth of good.They lie down alike in the dust, And the worm covereth them.Behold, I know your thoughts, And the devices wherewith ye would wrong me.For ye say, Where is the house of the prince? And where is the tent wherein the wicked dwelt?Have ye not asked wayfaring men? And do ye not know their evidences,That the evil man is reserved to the day of calamity? That they are led forth to the day of wrath?Who shall declare his way to his face? And who shall repay him what he hath done?Yet shall he be borne to the grave, And men shall keep watch over the tomb.The clods of the valley shall be sweet unto him, And all men shall draw after him, As there were innumerable before him.How then comfort ye me in vain, Seeing in your answers there remaineth only falsehood?
Psalms 50:8
I will not reprove thee for thy sacrifices; And thy burnt- offerings are continually before me.
Daniel 11:36
And the king shall do according to his will; and he shall exalt himself, and magnify himself above every god, and shall speak marvellous things against the God of gods; and he shall prosper till the indignation be accomplished; for that which is determined shall be done.