The Lord hates two things. He hates weights that weigh things heavier or lighter than they really are. He also hates measures that measure things larger or smaller than they really are.
“‘ Be honest when you measure lengths, weights or amounts.Use honest scales and honest weights. Use honest dry measures. And use honest liquid measures. I am the Lord your God. I brought you out of Egypt.
You say,“ When will the New Moon feast be over? Then we can sell our grain. When will the Sabbath day come to an end? Then people can buy our wheat.” But you measure out less than the right amount. You raise your prices. You cheat others by using dishonest scales.
Don’t have two different scales. Don’t have scales that cause things to seem heavier or lighter than they really are.And don’t have two different sets of measures. Don’t have measures that cause things to seem larger or smaller than they really are.You must use weights and measures that are honest and exact. Then you will live a long time in the land the Lord your God is giving you.