Job 9:8
He’s the only one who can spread out the heavens. He alone can walk on the waves of the ocean.
Isaiah 40:22
God sits on his throne high above the earth. Its people look like grasshoppers to him. He spreads out the heavens like a cover. He sets it up like a tent to live in.
Genesis 1:1-2
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.The earth didn’t have any shape. And it was empty. There was darkness over the surface of the waves. At that time, the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.
Proverbs 8:23-27
I was formed a long, long time ago. I was formed at the very beginning, when the world was created.Before there were any oceans, I was born. It was before there were springs flowing with water.Before the mountains were settled in place, I was born. Before there were any hills, I was born.It happened before the Lord made the world and its fields. It was before he made the dust of the earth.I was there when he set the heavens in place. When he marked out the place where the sky meets the sea, I was there.
Psalms 104:2-5
The Lord wraps himself in light as if it were a robe. He spreads out the heavens like a tent.He builds his palace high in the heavens. He makes the clouds serve as his chariot. He rides on the wings of the wind.He makes the winds serve as his messengers. He makes flashes of lightning serve him.He placed the earth on its foundations. It can never be moved.
Isaiah 42:5
God created the heavens and stretches them out. The Lord spreads out the earth with everything that grows on it. He gives breath to its people. He gives life to those who walk on it. He says to his servant,
Isaiah 40:26
Look up toward the sky. Who created everything you see? The Lord causes the stars to come out at night one by one. He calls out each one of them by name. His power and strength are great. So none of the stars is missing.
Psalms 24:2
He set it firmly on the oceans. He made it secure on the waters.