Deuteronomy 10:16
So don’t be stubborn anymore. Obey the Lord.
Jeremiah 9:26
That includes the people of Egypt, Judah, Edom, Ammon and Moab. It also includes all those who live in the desert in places far away. None of the people in these nations is really circumcised. And not even the people of Israel are circumcised in their hearts.”
Romans 2:28-29
A person is not a Jew if they are a Jew only on the outside. And circumcision is more than just something done to the outside of a man’s body.No, a person is a Jew only if they are a Jew on the inside. And true circumcision means that the heart has been circumcised by the Holy Spirit. The person whose heart has been circumcised does more than obey the written law. The praise that matters for that kind of person does not come from other people. It comes from God.
Deuteronomy 30:6
The Lord your God will keep you from being stubborn. He’ll do the same thing for your children and their children. Then you will love him with all your heart and with all your soul. And you will live.
Colossians 2:11
When you received Christ, your circumcision was not done by human hands. Instead, your circumcision was done by Christ. He put away the person you used to be. At that time, sin’s power ruled over you.
Jeremiah 21:12
Here is what the Lord says to you who belong to David’s royal house.“‘ “Every morning do what is right and fair. Save those who have been robbed. Set them free from the people who have treated them badly. If you do not, my anger will blaze out against you. It will burn like fire because of the evil things you have done. No one will be able to put it out.
Amos 5:6
Israel, look to the Lord and live. If you don’t, he will sweep through the tribes of Joseph like a fire. It will burn everything up. And Bethel won’t have anyone to put it out.
Zephaniah 2:2
Come together before the Lord’ s judgment arrives. The day of the Lord’ s judgment will sweep in like straw blown by the wind. Soon the Lord’ s great anger will come against you. The day of his wrath will come against you.
Isaiah 30:27-28
The Lord will come from far away in all his power and glory. He will show his burning anger. Thick clouds of smoke will be all around him. His mouth will speak angry words. The words from his tongue will be like a destroying fire.His breath will be like a rushing flood that rises up to the neck. He’ll separate out the nations he is going to destroy. He’ll place a bit in their jaws. It will lead them down the road to death.
Ezekiel 5:13-15
“ Then I will not be angry anymore. My great anger against them will die down. And I will be satisfied. Then they will know that I have spoken with strong feelings. And my great anger toward them will come to an end. I am the Lord.“ I will destroy you. I will bring shame on you in the sight of the nations around you. All those who pass by will see it.You will be put to shame. The nations will make fun of you. You will serve as a warning to others. They will be shocked when they see you. So I will punish you because I am very angry with you. You will feel the sting of my warning. I have spoken. I am the Lord.
Ezekiel 24:8
So I put their blood on the bare rock. I did not want it to be covered up. I poured out my great anger on them. I paid them back.”
Mark 9:43-50
If your hand causes you to sin, cut it off. It would be better for you to enter God’s kingdom with only one hand than to go into hell with two hands. In hell the fire never goes out.
Ezekiel 18:31
Get rid of all the evil things you have done. Let me give you a new heart and a new spirit. Then you will be faithful to me. Why should you die, people of Israel?
Leviticus 26:28
Then I will be angry with you. I will be your enemy. I myself will again punish you for your sins over and over.
Ezekiel 6:12
The one who is far away will die of the plague. The one who is near will be killed by swords. Anyone who is left alive and is spared will die of hunger. And in this way I will pour out my great anger on them.
Lamentations 4:11
The Lord has become very angry. He has poured out his burning anger. He started a fire in Zion. It burned its foundations.
Jeremiah 21:5
I myself will fight against you. I will reach out my powerful hand and mighty arm. I will come against you with all my great anger.
Ezekiel 16:38
I will hand down my sentence against you. You will be punished like women who commit adultery and sacrifice their children to other gods. I am so angry with you. So I will sentence you to death for everything you have done.
Deuteronomy 32:22
My anger will start a fire. It will burn all the way down to the kingdom of the dead. It will eat up the earth and its crops. It will set the base of the mountains on fire.
Ezekiel 24:13
“ Jerusalem, you are really impure. I tried to clean you up. But you would not let me make you pure. So you will not be clean again until I am no longer so angry with you.
Ezekiel 20:33
I will rule over you by reaching out my mighty hand and powerful arm. I will pour my great anger out on you,” announces the Lord and King.“ And that is just as sure as I am alive.
Isaiah 51:17
Wake up, Jerusalem! Wake up! Get up! The Lord has handed you the cup of his great anger. And you have drunk from it. That cup makes people unsteady on their feet. And you have drunk from it to the very last drop.
Jeremiah 23:19
A storm will burst out because of my great anger. A windstorm will sweep down on the heads of sinful people.
Ezekiel 20:47-48
Tell them,‘ Listen to the Lord’ s message. The Lord and King says,“ I am about to set you on fire. The fire will destroy all your trees. It will burn down green trees and dry trees alike. The blazing flame will not be put out. The faces of everyone from south to north will be burned by it.Everyone will see that I started the fire. It will not be put out. I am the Lord.” ’ ”
Ezekiel 21:17
I too will clap my hands. I won’t be so angry anymore. I have spoken. I am the Lord.”
Jeremiah 36:7
They will hear what the Lord will do to them when his burning anger blazes out against them. Then perhaps they will pray to him. And maybe each of them will turn from their evil ways.”
Ezekiel 8:18
So I am angry with them. I will punish them. I will not spare them or feel sorry for them. They might even shout in my ears. But I will not listen to them.”