<< Isaiah 58:7 >>


  • English Standard Version
    Is it not to share your bread with the hungry and bring the homeless poor into your house; when you see the naked, to cover him, and not to hide yourself from your own flesh?
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  • 施約瑟淺文理新舊約聖經
  • New International Version
    Is it not to share your food with the hungry and to provide the poor wanderer with shelter— when you see the naked, to clothe them, and not to turn away from your own flesh and blood?
  • New International Reader's Version
    Share your food with hungry people. Provide homeless people with a place to stay. Give naked people clothes to wear. Provide for the needs of your own family.
  • New Living Translation
    Share your food with the hungry, and give shelter to the homeless. Give clothes to those who need them, and do not hide from relatives who need your help.
  • Christian Standard Bible
    Is it not to share your bread with the hungry, to bring the poor and homeless into your house, to clothe the naked when you see him, and not to ignore your own flesh and blood?
  • New American Standard Bible
    Is it not to break your bread with the hungry And bring the homeless poor into the house; When you see the naked, to cover him; And not to hide yourself from your own flesh?
  • New King James Version
    Is it not to share your bread with the hungry, And that you bring to your house the poor who are cast out; When you see the naked, that you cover him, And not hide yourself from your own flesh?
  • American Standard Version
    Is it not to deal thy bread to the hungry, and that thou bring the poor that are cast out to thy house? when thou seest the naked, that thou cover him; and that thou hide not thyself from thine own flesh?
  • Holman Christian Standard Bible
    Is it not to share your bread with the hungry, to bring the poor and homeless into your house, to clothe the naked when you see him, and not to ignore your own flesh and blood?
  • King James Version
    [ Is it] not to deal thy bread to the hungry, and that thou bring the poor that are cast out to thy house? when thou seest the naked, that thou cover him; and that thou hide not thyself from thine own flesh?
  • New English Translation
    I want you to share your food with the hungry and to provide shelter for homeless, oppressed people. When you see someone naked, clothe him! Don’t turn your back on your own flesh and blood!
  • World English Bible
    Isn’t it to distribute your bread to the hungry, and that you bring the poor who are cast out to your house? When you see the naked, that you cover him; and that you not hide yourself from your own flesh?


  • Ezekiel 18:7
    does not oppress anyone, but restores to the debtor his pledge, commits no robbery, gives his bread to the hungry and covers the naked with a garment,
  • 1John 3:17-18
  • Ezekiel 18:16
    does not oppress anyone, exacts no pledge, commits no robbery, but gives his bread to the hungry and covers the naked with a garment,
  • Proverbs 28:27
    Whoever gives to the poor will not want, but he who hides his eyes will get many a curse.
  • Proverbs 22:9
    Whoever has a bountiful eye will be blessed, for he shares his bread with the poor.
  • Luke 3:11
    And he answered them,“ Whoever has two tunics is to share with him who has none, and whoever has food is to do likewise.”
  • Matthew 25:35-45
    For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me,I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.’Then the righteous will answer him, saying,‘ Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink?And when did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you?And when did we see you sick or in prison and visit you?’And the King will answer them,‘ Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’“ Then he will say to those on his left,‘ Depart from me, you cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels.For I was hungry and you gave me no food, I was thirsty and you gave me no drink,I was a stranger and you did not welcome me, naked and you did not clothe me, sick and in prison and you did not visit me.’Then they also will answer, saying,‘ Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison, and did not minister to you?’Then he will answer them, saying,‘ Truly, I say to you, as you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to me.’
  • Proverbs 25:21
    If your enemy is hungry, give him bread to eat, and if he is thirsty, give him water to drink,
  • Isaiah 58:10
    if you pour yourself out for the hungry and satisfy the desire of the afflicted, then shall your light rise in the darkness and your gloom be as the noonday.
  • Hebrews 13:2-3
    Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.Remember those who are in prison, as though in prison with them, and those who are mistreated, since you also are in the body.
  • Isaiah 16:3-4
    “ Give counsel; grant justice; make your shade like night at the height of noon; shelter the outcasts; do not reveal the fugitive;let the outcasts of Moab sojourn among you; be a shelter to them from the destroyer. When the oppressor is no more, and destruction has ceased, and he who tramples under foot has vanished from the land,
  • 2 Corinthians 9 6-2 Corinthians 9 10
    The point is this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully.Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work.As it is written,“ He has distributed freely, he has given to the poor; his righteousness endures forever.”He who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will supply and multiply your seed for sowing and increase the harvest of your righteousness.
  • Acts 16:34
    Then he brought them up into his house and set food before them. And he rejoiced along with his entire household that he had believed in God.
  • Luke 11:41
    But give as alms those things that are within, and behold, everything is clean for you.
  • Romans 12:20-21
    To the contrary,“ if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink; for by so doing you will heap burning coals on his head.”Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.
  • Daniel 4:27
    Therefore, O king, let my counsel be acceptable to you: break off your sins by practicing righteousness, and your iniquities by showing mercy to the oppressed, that there may perhaps be a lengthening of your prosperity.”
  • Job 31:18-21
    ( for from my youth the fatherless grew up with me as with a father, and from my mother’s womb I guided the widow),if I have seen anyone perish for lack of clothing, or the needy without covering,if his body has not blessed me, and if he was not warmed with the fleece of my sheep,if I have raised my hand against the fatherless, because I saw my help in the gate,
  • James 2:15-16
    If a brother or sister is poorly clothed and lacking in daily food,and one of you says to them,“ Go in peace, be warmed and filled,” without giving them the things needed for the body, what good is that?
  • Ecclesiastes 11:1-2
    Cast your bread upon the waters, for you will find it after many days.Give a portion to seven, or even to eight, for you know not what disaster may happen on earth.
  • Luke 19:8
    And Zacchaeus stood and said to the Lord,“ Behold, Lord, the half of my goods I give to the poor. And if I have defrauded anyone of anything, I restore it fourfold.”
  • Job 22:7
    You have given no water to the weary to drink, and you have withheld bread from the hungry.
  • Nehemiah 5:5
    Now our flesh is as the flesh of our brothers, our children are as their children. Yet we are forcing our sons and our daughters to be slaves, and some of our daughters have already been enslaved, but it is not in our power to help it, for other men have our fields and our vineyards.”
  • Genesis 19:2
    and said,“ My lords, please turn aside to your servant’s house and spend the night and wash your feet. Then you may rise up early and go on your way.” They said,“ No; we will spend the night in the town square.”
  • Philemon 1:7
    For I have derived much joy and comfort from your love, my brother, because the hearts of the saints have been refreshed through you.
  • Psalms 112:9
    He has distributed freely; he has given to the poor; his righteousness endures forever; his horn is exalted in honor.
  • Acts 16:15
    And after she was baptized, and her household as well, she urged us, saying,“ If you have judged me to be faithful to the Lord, come to my house and stay.” And she prevailed upon us.
  • Judges 19:20-21
    And the old man said,“ Peace be to you; I will care for all your wants. Only, do not spend the night in the square.”So he brought him into his house and gave the donkeys feed. And they washed their feet, and ate and drank.
  • Romans 12:13
    Contribute to the needs of the saints and seek to show hospitality.
  • 2 Chronicles 28 15
    And the men who have been mentioned by name rose and took the captives, and with the spoil they clothed all who were naked among them. They clothed them, gave them sandals, provided them with food and drink, and anointed them, and carrying all the feeble among them on donkeys, they brought them to their kinsfolk at Jericho, the city of palm trees. Then they returned to Samaria.
  • 1 Timothy 5 10
    and having a reputation for good works: if she has brought up children, has shown hospitality, has washed the feet of the saints, has cared for the afflicted, and has devoted herself to every good work.
  • Luke 10:26-36
    He said to him,“ What is written in the Law? How do you read it?”And he answered,“ You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself.”And he said to him,“ You have answered correctly; do this, and you will live.”But he, desiring to justify himself, said to Jesus,“ And who is my neighbor?”Jesus replied,“ A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and he fell among robbers, who stripped him and beat him and departed, leaving him half dead.Now by chance a priest was going down that road, and when he saw him he passed by on the other side.So likewise a Levite, when he came to the place and saw him, passed by on the other side.But a Samaritan, as he journeyed, came to where he was, and when he saw him, he had compassion.He went to him and bound up his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. Then he set him on his own animal and brought him to an inn and took care of him.And the next day he took out two denarii and gave them to the innkeeper, saying,‘ Take care of him, and whatever more you spend, I will repay you when I come back.’Which of these three, do you think, proved to be a neighbor to the man who fell among the robbers?”
  • Genesis 18:2-5
    He lifted up his eyes and looked, and behold, three men were standing in front of him. When he saw them, he ran from the tent door to meet them and bowed himself to the earthand said,“ O Lord, if I have found favor in your sight, do not pass by your servant.Let a little water be brought, and wash your feet, and rest yourselves under the tree,while I bring a morsel of bread, that you may refresh yourselves, and after that you may pass on— since you have come to your servant.” So they said,“ Do as you have said.”
  • Judges 9:2
    “ Say in the ears of all the leaders of Shechem,‘ Which is better for you, that all seventy of the sons of Jerubbaal rule over you, or that one rule over you?’ Remember also that I am your bone and your flesh.”
  • Genesis 19:14
    So Lot went out and said to his sons-in-law, who were to marry his daughters,“ Up! Get out of this place, for the Lord is about to destroy the city.” But he seemed to his sons-in-law to be jesting.