<< Isaiah 51:14 >>



  • Zechariah 9:11
    I will set your prisoners free from where their enemies are keeping them. I will do it because of the blood that put into effect my covenant with you.
  • Isaiah 48:20
    People of Israel, leave Babylon! Hurry up and get away from the Babylonians! Here is what I want you to announce. Make it known with shouts of joy. Send the news out from one end of the earth to the other. Say,“ The Lord has set free his servant Jacob.”
  • Isaiah 52:2
    Get up, Jerusalem! Shake off your dust. Take your place on your throne. Captured people of Zion, remove the chains from your neck.
  • Jeremiah 38:6-13
    So they took Jeremiah and put him into an empty well. It belonged to Malkijah. He was a member of the royal court. His well was in the courtyard of the guard. Zedekiah’s men lowered Jeremiah by ropes into the well. It didn’t have any water in it. All it had was mud. And Jeremiah sank down into the mud.Ebed- Melek was an official in the royal palace. He was from the land of Cush. He heard that Jeremiah had been put into the well. The king was sitting by the Benjamin Gate at that time.Ebed- Melek went out of the palace. He said to the king,“ My king and master, everything these men have done to Jeremiah the prophet is evil. They have thrown him into an empty well. Soon there won’t be any more bread in the city. Then he’ll starve to death.”So the king gave an order to Ebed- Melek the Cushite. He said,“ Take with you 30 men from here. Lift Jeremiah the prophet out of the well before he dies.”Then Ebed- Melek took the men with him. He went to a room in the palace. It was under the place where the treasures were stored. He got some old rags and worn- out clothes from there. Then he let them down with ropes to Jeremiah in the well.Ebed- Melek the Cushite told Jeremiah what to do. Ebed- Melek said,“ Put these old rags and worn- out clothes under your arms. They’ll pad the ropes.” So Jeremiah did.Then the men pulled him up with the ropes. They lifted him out of the well. And Jeremiah remained in the courtyard of the guard.
  • Acts 12:7-8
    Suddenly an angel of the Lord appeared. A light shone in the prison cell. The angel struck Peter on his side. Peter woke up.“ Quick!” the angel said.“ Get up!” The chains fell off Peter’s wrists.Then the angel said to him,“ Put on your clothes and sandals.” Peter did so.“ Put on your coat,” the angel told him.“ Follow me.”
  • Ezra 1:5
    Then everyone God had inspired prepared to go. They wanted to go up to Jerusalem and build the Lord’ s temple there. They included the family leaders of Judah and Benjamin. They also included the priests and Levites.
  • Isaiah 49:10
    They will not get hungry or thirsty. The heat from the desert sun will not beat down on them. The God who has tender love for them will guide them. Like a shepherd, he will lead them beside springs of water.
  • Jeremiah 37:16
    Jeremiah was put into a prison cell below ground level. He remained there a long time.
  • Lamentations 3:53-54
    They tried to end my life by throwing me into a deep pit. They threw stones down at me.The water rose and covered my head. I thought I was going to die.