Isaiah 1:14
I hate your new moon festivals and your appointed feasts, They have become a burden to Me; I am tired of bearing them.
Jeremiah 6:20
For what purpose does frankincense come to Me from Sheba, And the sweet cane from a distant land? Your burnt offerings are not acceptable And your sacrifices are not pleasing to Me.”
Isaiah 7:13
Then he said,“ Listen now, house of David! Is it too trivial a thing for you to try the patience of men, that you will try the patience of my God as well?
Psalms 95:10
For forty years I was disgusted with that generation, And said they are a people who err in their heart, And they do not know My ways.
Ezekiel 6:9
Then those of you who escape will remember Me among the nations to which they will be taken captive, how I have been hurt by their adulterous hearts which turned away from Me, and by their eyes which committed infidelity with their idols; and they will loathe themselves in their own sight for the evils which they have committed, for all their abominations.
Leviticus 3:16
The priest shall offer them up in smoke on the altar as food, an offering by fire as a soothing aroma; all fat is the Lord’s.
Malachi 1:14
“ But cursed be the swindler who has a male in his flock and vows it, but sacrifices a blemished animal to the Lord, for I am a great King,” says the Lord of armies,“ and My name is feared among the nations.”
Isaiah 1:24
Therefore the Lord God of armies, The Mighty One of Israel, declares,“ Ah, I will have satisfaction against My adversaries, And avenge Myself on My enemies.
Malachi 2:13-17
And this is another thing you do: you cover the altar of the Lord with tears, with weeping and sighing, because He no longer gives attention to the offering or accepts it with favor from your hand.Yet you say,“ For what reason?” Because the Lord has been a witness between you and the wife of your youth, against whom you have dealt treacherously, though she is your marriage companion and your wife by covenant.But not one has done so who has a remnant of the Spirit. And why the one? He was seeking a godly offspring. Be careful then about your spirit, and see that none of you deals treacherously against the wife of your youth.“ For I hate divorce,” says the Lord, the God of Israel,“ and him who covers his garment with violence,” says the Lord of armies.“ So be careful about your spirit, that you do not deal treacherously.”You have wearied the Lord with your words. Yet you say,“ How have we wearied Him?” In that you say,“ Everyone who does evil is good in the sight of the Lord, and He delights in them,” or,“ Where is the God of justice?”
Psalms 50:9-13
I will not take a bull from your house, Nor male goats from your folds.For every animal of the forest is Mine, The cattle on a thousand hills.I know every bird of the mountains, And everything that moves in the field is Mine.If I were hungry I would not tell you, For the world is Mine, and everything it contains.Shall I eat the flesh of bulls Or drink the blood of male goats?
Exodus 30:34
Then the Lord said to Moses,“ Take for yourself spices— stacte, onycha, and galbanum, spices and pure frankincense; there shall be an equal part of each.
Exodus 30:7
Aaron shall burn fragrant incense on it; he shall burn it every morning when he trims the lamps.
Isaiah 63:10
But they rebelled And grieved His Holy Spirit; Therefore He turned Himself to become their enemy, He fought against them.
Amos 2:13
Behold, I am making a rut in the ground beneath you, Just as a wagon makes a rut when filled with sheaves.
Leviticus 4:31
Then he shall remove all its fat, just as the fat was removed from the sacrifice of peace offerings; and the priest shall offer it up in smoke on the altar as a soothing aroma to the Lord. So the priest shall make atonement for him, and he will be forgiven.
Exodus 30:23-24
“ Take also for yourself the finest of spices: of liquid myrrh five hundred shekels, and of fragrant cinnamon half as much, 250, and of fragrant cane 250,and of cassia 500, according to the shekel of the sanctuary, and of olive oil a hin.
Ezekiel 16:43
Since you have not remembered the days of your youth but have caused Me unrest by all these things, behold, I in turn will bring your conduct down on your own head,” declares the Lord God,“ so that you will not commit this outrageous sin in addition to all your other abominations.