Psalms 121:1-2
I will lift up my eyes to the hills. Where does my help come from?My help comes from Yahweh, who made heaven and earth.
Psalms 25:15
My eyes are ever on Yahweh, for he will pluck my feet out of the net.
Psalms 123:1-2
I lift up my eyes to you, you who sit in the heavens.Behold, as the eyes of servants look to the hand of their master, as the eyes of a maid to the hand of her mistress; so our eyes look to Yahweh, our God, until he has mercy on us.
Psalms 141:8
For my eyes are on you, Yahweh, the Lord. In you, I take refuge. Don’t leave my soul destitute.
Judges 11:27
Therefore I have not sinned against you, but you do me wrong to war against me. May Yahweh the Judge be judge today between the children of Israel and the children of Ammon.”
2 Corinthians 1 8-2 Corinthians 1 9
For we don’t desire to have you uninformed, brothers, concerning our affliction which happened to us in Asia, that we were weighed down exceedingly, beyond our power, so much that we despaired even of life.Yes, we ourselves have had the sentence of death within ourselves, that we should not trust in ourselves, but in God who raises the dead,
Psalms 9:19
Arise, Yahweh! Don’t let man prevail. Let the nations be judged in your sight.
Deuteronomy 32:36
For Yahweh will judge his people, and have compassion on his servants, when he sees that their power is gone; that there is no one remaining, shut up or left at large.
Psalms 43:1
Vindicate me, God, and plead my cause against an ungodly nation. Oh, deliver me from deceitful and wicked men.
1 Samuel 14 6
Jonathan said to the young man who bore his armor,“ Come! Let’s go over to the garrison of these uncircumcised. It may be that Yahweh will work for us; for there is no restraint on Yahweh to save by many or by few.”
Joel 3:12
“ Let the nations arouse themselves, and come up to the valley of Jehoshaphat; for there I will sit to judge all the surrounding nations.
Jonah 2:4
I said,‘ I have been banished from your sight; yet I will look again toward your holy temple.’
2 Kings 6 15
When the servant of the man of God had risen early, and gone out, behold, an army with horses and chariots was around the city. His servant said to him,“ Alas, my master! What shall we do?”
1 Samuel 3 13
For I have told him that I will judge his house forever for the iniquity which he knew, because his sons brought a curse on themselves, and he didn’t restrain them.
2 Samuel 14 11
Then she said,“ Please let the king remember Yahweh your God, that the avenger of blood destroy not any more, lest they destroy my son.” He said,“ As Yahweh lives, not one hair of your son shall fall to the earth.”
Psalms 7:8
Yahweh administers judgment to the peoples. Judge me, Yahweh, according to my righteousness, and to my integrity that is in me.
Isaiah 42:4
He will not fail nor be discouraged, until he has set justice in the earth, and the islands wait for his law.”
Revelation 19:11
I saw the heaven opened, and behold, a white horse, and he who sat on it is called Faithful and True. In righteousness he judges and makes war.
Psalms 7:6
Arise, Yahweh, in your anger. Lift up yourself against the rage of my adversaries. Awake for me. You have commanded judgment.
Isaiah 2:4
He will judge between the nations, and will decide concerning many peoples. They shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.