Psalms 110:4
The Lord has made a promise. He will not change his mind. He has said,“ You are a priest forever, just like Melchizedek.”
Isaiah 49:5-6
The Lord formed me in my mother’s body to be his servant. He wanted me to bring the family of Jacob back to him. He wanted me to gather the people of Israel to himself. The Lord will honor me. My God will give me strength.Here is what the Lord says to me.“ It is not enough for you as my servant to bring the tribes of Jacob back to their land. It is not enough for you to bring back the people of Israel I have kept alive. I will also make you a light for the Gentiles. Then you will make it possible for the whole world to be saved.”
Isaiah 11:10
At that time, here is what the man who is called the Root of Jesse will do. He will be like a banner that brings nations together. They will come to him. And the place where he rules will be glorious.
Isaiah 22:24
The good name of his whole family will depend on him. They will be like bowls and jars hanging on a peg.
Hebrews 3:1
Holy brothers and sisters, God chose you to be his people. So keep thinking about Jesus. We embrace him as our apostle and our high priest.
Psalms 21:5
His glory is great because you helped him win his battles. You have honored him with glory and majesty.
Isaiah 9:6
A child will be born to us. A son will be given to us. He will rule over us. And he will be called Wonderful Adviser and Mighty God. He will also be called Father Who Lives Forever and Prince Who Brings Peace.
Daniel 7:13-14
“ In my vision I saw one who looked like a son of man. He was coming with the clouds of heaven. He approached the Eternal God. He was led right up to him.And he was given authority, glory and a kingdom. People of all nations, no matter what language they spoke, worshiped him. His authority will last forever. It will not pass away. His kingdom will never be destroyed.
Colossians 1:2
We are sending this letter to you, our brothers and sisters in Colossae. You belong to Christ. You are holy and faithful. May God our Father give you grace and peace.
Colossians 1:18-20
And he is the head of the body, which is the church. He is the beginning. He is the first to be raised from the dead. That happened so that he would be far above everything.God was pleased to have his whole nature living in Christ.God was pleased to bring all things back to himself. That’s because of what Christ has done. These things include everything on earth and in heaven. God made peace through Christ’s blood, by his death on the cross.
John 17:1-5
After Jesus said this, he looked toward heaven and prayed. He said,“ Father, the time has come. Bring glory to your Son. Then your Son will bring glory to you.You gave him authority over all people. He gives eternal life to all those you have given him.And what is eternal life? It is knowing you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.I have brought you glory on earth. I have finished the work you gave me to do.So now, Father, give glory to me in heaven where your throne is. Give me the glory I had with you before the world began.
Revelation 5:9-13
Here is the new song they sang.“ You are worthy to take the scroll and break open its seals. You are worthy because you were put to death. With your blood you bought people for God. They come from every tribe, people and nation, no matter what language they speak.You have made them members of a royal family. You have made them priests to serve our God. They will rule on the earth.”Then I looked and heard the voice of millions and millions of angels. They surrounded the throne. They surrounded the living creatures and the elders.In a loud voice they were saying,“ The Lamb, who was put to death, is worthy! He is worthy to receive power and wealth and wisdom and strength! He is worthy to receive honor and glory and praise!”All creatures in heaven, on earth, under the earth, and on the sea were speaking. The whole creation was speaking. I heard all of them say,“ Praise and honor belong to the one who sits on the throne and to the Lamb! Glory and power belong to God for ever and ever!”
Psalms 72:17-19
May the king’s name be remembered forever. May his fame last as long as the sun shines. Then all nations will be blessed because of him. They will call him blessed.Give praise to the Lord God, the God of Israel. Only he can do wonderful things.Give praise to his glorious name forever. May his glory fill the whole earth. Amen and Amen.
Hebrews 10:12-13
Jesus our priest offered one sacrifice for sins for all time. Then he sat down at the right hand of God.And since that time, he waits for his enemies to be put under his control.
Hebrews 2:7-9
You made them a little lower than the angels. You placed on them a crown of glory and honor.You have put everything under their control.”( Psalm 8:4–6) So God has put everything under his Son. Everything is under his control. We do not now see everything under his control.But we do see Jesus already given a crown of glory and honor. He was made lower than the angels for a little while. He suffered death. By the grace of God, he tasted death for everyone. That is why he was given his crown.
Acts 10:36-43
You know the message God sent to the people of Israel. It is the good news of peace through Jesus Christ. He is Lord of all.You know what has happened all through the area of Judea. It started in Galilee after John preached about baptism.You know how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power. Jesus went around doing good. He healed all who were under the devil’s power. God was with him.“ We are witnesses of everything he did in the land of the Jews and in Jerusalem. They killed him by nailing him to a cross.But on the third day God raised him from the dead. God allowed Jesus to be seen.But he wasn’t seen by all the people. He was seen only by us. We are witnesses whom God had already chosen. We ate and drank with him after he rose from the dead.He commanded us to preach to the people. He told us to tell people that he is the one appointed by God to judge the living and the dead.All the prophets tell about him. They say that all who believe in him have their sins forgiven through his name.”
Hebrews 6:20-7:3
That is where Jesus has gone. He went there to open the way ahead of us. He has become a high priest forever, just like Melchizedek.Melchizedek was the king of Salem. He was the priest of God Most High. He met Abraham, who was returning from winning a battle over some kings. Melchizedek blessed him.Abraham gave him a tenth of everything. First, the name Melchizedek means“ king of what is right.” Also,“ king of Salem” means“ king of peace.”Melchizedek has no father or mother. He has no family line. His days have no beginning. His life has no end. He remains a priest forever. In this way, he is like the Son of God.
Ephesians 2:13-18
At one time you were far away from God. But now you belong to Christ Jesus. He spilled his blood for you. This has brought you near to God.Christ himself is our peace. He has made Jews and Gentiles into one group of people. He has destroyed the hatred that was like a wall between us.Through his body on the cross, Christ set aside the law with all its commands and rules. He planned to create one new people out of Jews and Gentiles. He wanted to make peace between them.He planned to bring both Jews and Gentiles back to God as one body. He planned to do this through the cross. On that cross, Christ put to death their hatred toward one another.He came and preached peace to you who were far away. He also preached peace to those who were near.Through Christ we both come to the Father by the power of one Holy Spirit.
Daniel 9:25-27
“ Here is what I want you to know and understand. There will be seven‘ weeks.’ Then there will be 62‘ weeks.’ The seven‘ weeks’ will begin when an order is given to rebuild Jerusalem and make it like new again. At the end of the 62‘ weeks,’ the Anointed King will come. Jerusalem will have streets and a water system when it is rebuilt. But that will be done in times of trouble.After the 62‘ weeks,’ the Anointed King will be put to death. His followers will desert him. And everything he has will be taken away from him. The army of the ruler who will come will destroy the city and the temple. The end will come like a flood. War will continue until the end. The Lord has ordered that many places be destroyed.A covenant will be put into effect with many people for one‘ week.’ In the middle of the‘ week’ sacrifices and offerings will come to an end. And at the temple a hated thing that destroys will be set up. It will remain until that ruler who will come is destroyed. Then he will experience what the Lord has ordered.”
1 Peter 3 22
He has gone into heaven. He is at God’s right hand. Angels, authorities and powers are under his control.
Hebrews 7:24-28
But Jesus lives forever. So he always holds the office of priest.People now come to God through him. And he is able to save them completely and for all time. Jesus lives forever. He prays for them.A high priest like that really meets our need. He is holy, pure and without blame. He isn’t like other people. He does not sin. He is lifted high above the heavens.He isn’t like the other high priests. They need to offer sacrifices day after day. First they bring offerings for their own sins. Then they do it for the sins of the people. But Jesus gave one sacrifice for the sins of the people. He gave it once and for all time. He did it by offering himself.The law appoints as high priests men who are weak. But God’s promise came after the law. By his promise the Son was appointed. The Son has been made perfect forever.
Psalms 85:9-11
I know he’s ready to save those who have respect for him. Then his glory can be seen in our land.God’s truth and faithful love join together. His peace and holiness kiss each other.His truth springs up from the earth. His holiness looks down from heaven.
John 13:31-32
After Judas was gone, Jesus spoke. He said,“ Now the Son of Man receives glory. And he brings glory to God.If the Son brings glory to God, God himself will bring glory to the Son. God will do it at once.
Revelation 19:11-16
I saw heaven standing open. There in front of me was a white horse. Its rider is called Faithful and True. When he judges or makes war, he is always fair.His eyes are like blazing fire. On his head are many crowns. A name is written on him that only he knows.He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood. His name is the Word of God.The armies of heaven were following him, riding on white horses. They were dressed in fine linen, white and clean.Coming out of the rider’s mouth is a sharp sword. He will strike down the nations with the sword. Scripture says,“ He will rule them with an iron scepter.”( Psalm 2:9) He stomps on the grapes of God’s winepress. The winepress stands for the terrible anger of the God who rules over all.Here is the name that is written on the rider’s robe and on his thigh. the greatest king of all and the most powerful lord of all
Jeremiah 23:6
In his days Judah will be saved. Israel will live in safety. And the Branch will be called The Lord Who Makes Us Right With Himself.
Ephesians 1:20-23
God showed. He showed this when he raised Christ from the dead. God seated him at his right hand in his heavenly kingdom.There Christ sits far above all who rule and have authority. He also sits far above all powers and kings. He is above every name that is appealed to in this world and in the world to come.God placed all things under Christ’s rule. He appointed him to be ruler over everything for the church.The church is Christ’s body and is filled by Christ. He fills everything in every way.
Hebrews 4:14-16
We have a great high priest. He has gone up into heaven. He is Jesus the Son of God. So let us hold firmly to what we say we believe.We have a high priest who can feel it when we are weak and hurting. We have a high priest who has been tempted in every way, just as we are. But he did not sin.So let us boldly approach God’s throne of grace. Then we will receive mercy. We will find grace to help us when we need it.
Genesis 14:18
Melchizedek was the king of Jerusalem. He brought out bread and wine. He was the priest of the Most High God.
Revelation 3:21
‘ Here is what I will do for anyone who has victory over sin. I will give that person the right to sit with me on my throne. In the same way, I had victory. Then I sat down with my Father on his throne.
Philippians 2:7-11
Instead, he made himself nothing. He did this by taking on the nature of a servant. He was made just like human beings.He appeared as a man. He was humble and obeyed God completely. He did this even though it led to his death. Even worse, he died on a cross!So God lifted him up to the highest place. God gave him the name that is above every name.When the name of Jesus is spoken, everyone will kneel down to worship him. Everyone in heaven and on earth and under the earth will kneel down to worship him.Everyone’s mouth will say that Jesus Christ is Lord. And God the Father will receive the glory.
Psalms 45:3-4
Mighty one, put your sword at your side. Put on glory and majesty as if they were your clothes.In your majesty ride out with power to fight for what is true, humble and fair. Let your right hand do wonderful things.
Micah 5:4
That promised son will stand firm and be a shepherd for his flock. The Lord will give him the strength to do it. The Lord his God will give him the authority to rule. His people will live safely. His greatness will reach from one end of the earth to the other.
Zechariah 6:11
Use the silver and gold to make a crown. Set it on the head of Joshua the high priest. He is the son of Jozadak.
Zechariah 4:14
So he told me,“ They are Zerubbabel and Joshua. The Lord of the whole earth has anointed them to serve him.”
Romans 5:1
We have been made right with God because of our faith. Now we have peace with him because of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Isaiah 54:10
The mountains might shake. The hills might be removed. But my faithful love for you will never be shaken. And my covenant that promises peace to you will never be removed,” says the Lord. He shows you his loving concern.