<< Zechariah 5:3 >>


  • Holman Christian Standard Bible
    Then he said to me,“ This is the curse that is going out over the whole land, for every thief will be removed according to what is written on one side, and everyone who swears falsely will be removed according to what is written on the other side.
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  • New International Version
    And he said to me,“ This is the curse that is going out over the whole land; for according to what it says on one side, every thief will be banished, and according to what it says on the other, everyone who swears falsely will be banished.
  • New International Reader's Version
    He said to me,“ A curse sent by the Lord is written on it. It is going out over the whole land. Every thief will be driven out of the land. That is what it says on one side of the scroll. Everyone who lies when promising to tell the truth will also be driven out. That is what it says on the other side.
  • English Standard Version
    Then he said to me,“ This is the curse that goes out over the face of the whole land. For everyone who steals shall be cleaned out according to what is on one side, and everyone who swears falsely shall be cleaned out according to what is on the other side.
  • New Living Translation
    Then he said to me,“ This scroll contains the curse that is going out over the entire land. One side of the scroll says that those who steal will be banished from the land; the other side says that those who swear falsely will be banished from the land.
  • Christian Standard Bible
    Then he said to me,“ This is the curse that is going out over the whole land, for everyone who is a thief, contrary to what is written on one side, has gone unpunished, and everyone who swears falsely, contrary to what is written on the other side, has gone unpunished.
  • New American Standard Bible
    Then he said to me,“ This is the curse that is going forth over the face of the entire land; everyone who steals certainly will be purged away according to the writing on one side, and everyone who swears falsely will be purged away according to the writing on the other side.
  • New King James Version
    Then he said to me,“ This is the curse that goes out over the face of the whole earth:‘ Every thief shall be expelled,’ according to this side of the scroll; and,‘ Every perjurer shall be expelled,’ according to that side of it.”
  • American Standard Version
    Then said he unto me, This is the curse that goeth forth over the face of the whole land: for every one that stealeth shall be cut off on the one side according to it; and every one that sweareth shall be cut off on the other side according to it.
  • King James Version
    Then said he unto me, This[ is] the curse that goeth forth over the face of the whole earth: for every one that stealeth shall be cut off[ as] on this side according to it; and every one that sweareth shall be cut off[ as] on that side according to it.
  • New English Translation
    The speaker went on to say,“ This is a curse traveling across the whole earth. For example, according to the curse whoever steals will be removed from the community; or on the other hand( according to the curse) whoever swears falsely will suffer the same fate.”
  • World English Bible
    Then he said to me,“ This is the curse that goes out over the surface of the whole land; for everyone who steals shall be cut off according to it on the one side; and everyone who swears falsely shall be cut off according to it on the other side.


  • Exodus 20:15
    Do not steal.
  • Isaiah 24:6
    Therefore a curse has consumed the earth, and its inhabitants have become guilty; the earth’s inhabitants have been burned, and only a few survive.
  • Isaiah 43:28
    So I defiled the officers of the sanctuary, and set Jacob apart for destruction and Israel for abuse.
  • Isaiah 48:1
    “ Listen to this, house of Jacob— those who are called by the name Israel and have descended from Judah, who swear by the name of Yahweh and declare the God of Israel, but not in truth or righteousness.
  • Malachi 4:6
    And he will turn the hearts of fathers to their children and the hearts of children to their fathers. Otherwise, I will come and strike the land with a curse.”
  • Leviticus 19:12
    You must not swear falsely by My name, profaning the name of your God; I am Yahweh.
  • Zechariah 5:4
    I will send it out,”— this is the declaration of the Lord of Hosts—“ and it will enter the house of the thief and the house of the one who swears falsely by My name. It will stay inside his house and destroy it along with its timbers and stones.”
  • Jeremiah 5:2
    When they say,“ As the Lord lives,” they are swearing falsely.
  • Jeremiah 26:6
    I will make this temple like Shiloh. I will make this city an object of cursing for all the nations of the earth.”
  • Deuteronomy 11:28-29
    and a curse, if you do not obey the commands of the Lord your God and you turn aside from the path I command you today by following other gods you have not known.When the Lord your God brings you into the land you are entering to possess, you are to proclaim the blessing at Mount Gerizim and the curse at Mount Ebal.
  • Revelation 22:15
    Outside are the dogs, the sorcerers, the sexually immoral, the murderers, the idolaters, and everyone who loves and practices lying.
  • Proverbs 30:9
    Otherwise, I might have too much and deny You, saying,“ Who is the Lord?” or I might have nothing and steal, profaning the name of my God.
  • Deuteronomy 27:15-26
    ‘ The person who makes a carved idol or cast image, which is detestable to the Lord, the work of a craftsman, and sets it up in secret is cursed.’ And all the people will reply,‘ Amen!’‘ The one who dishonors his father or mother is cursed.’ And all the people will say,‘ Amen!’‘ The one who moves his neighbor’s boundary marker is cursed.’ And all the people will say,‘ Amen!’‘ The one who leads a blind person astray on the road is cursed.’ And all the people will say,‘ Amen!’‘ The one who denies justice to a foreigner, a fatherless child, or a widow is cursed.’ And all the people will say,‘ Amen!’‘ The one who sleeps with his father’s wife is cursed, for he has violated his father’s marriage bed.’ And all the people will say,‘ Amen!’‘ The one who has sexual intercourse with any animal is cursed.’ And all the people will say,‘ Amen!’‘ The one who sleeps with his sister, whether his father’s daughter or his mother’s daughter is cursed.’ And all the people will say,‘ Amen!’‘ The one who sleeps with his mother-in-law is cursed.’ And all the people will say,‘ Amen!’‘ The one who secretly kills his neighbor is cursed.’ And all the people will say,‘ Amen!’‘ The one who accepts a bribe to kill an innocent person is cursed.’ And all the people will say,‘ Amen!’‘ Anyone who does not put the words of this law into practice is cursed.’ And all the people will say,‘ Amen!’
  • Revelation 21:8
    But the cowards, unbelievers, vile, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars— their share will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death.”
  • Galatians 3:10-13
    For all who rely on the works of the law are under a curse, because it is written: Everyone who does not continue doing everything written in the book of the law is cursed.Now it is clear that no one is justified before God by the law, because the righteous will live by faith.But the law is not based on faith; instead, the one who does these things will live by them.Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us, because it is written: Everyone who is hung on a tree is cursed.
  • Zechariah 8:17
    Do not plot evil in your hearts against your neighbor, and do not love perjury, for I hate all this”— this is the Lord’s declaration.
  • 1 Timothy 1 9
    We know that the law is not meant for a righteous person, but for the lawless and rebellious, for the ungodly and sinful, for the unholy and irreverent, for those who kill their fathers and mothers, for murderers,
  • Ezekiel 17:13-16
    He took one of the royal family and made a covenant with him, putting him under oath. Then he took away the leading men of the land,so the kingdom might be humble and not exalt itself but might keep his covenant in order to endure.However, this king revolted against him by sending his ambassadors to Egypt so they might give him horses and a large army. Will he flourish? Will the one who does such things escape? Can he break a covenant and still escape?“ As I live”— this is the declaration of the Lord God—“ he will die in Babylon, in the land of the king who put him on the throne, whose oath he despised and whose covenant he broke.
  • James 5:4
    Look! The pay that you withheld from the workers who reaped your fields cries out, and the outcry of the harvesters has reached the ears of the Lord of Hosts.
  • Proverbs 3:33
    The Lord’s curse is on the household of the wicked, but He blesses the home of the righteous;
  • Hosea 4:2
    Cursing, lying, murder, stealing, and adultery are rampant; one act of bloodshed follows another.
  • Matthew 25:41
    Then He will also say to those on the left,‘ Depart from Me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the Devil and his angels!
  • Jeremiah 7:9
    “ Do you steal, murder, commit adultery, swear falsely, burn incense to Baal, and follow other gods that you have not known?
  • 1 Corinthians 6 7-1 Corinthians 6 9
    Therefore, to have legal disputes against one another is already a moral failure for you. Why not rather put up with injustice? Why not rather be cheated?Instead, you act unjustly and cheat— and you do this to believers!Don’t you know that the unrighteous will not inherit God’s kingdom? Do not be deceived: No sexually immoral people, idolaters, adulterers, or anyone practicing homosexuality,
  • Malachi 3:5
    “ I will come to you in judgment, and I will be ready to witness against sorcerers and adulterers; against those who swear falsely; against those who oppress the widow and the fatherless, and cheat the wage earner; and against those who deny justice to the foreigner. They do not fear Me,” says the Lord of Hosts.
  • Malachi 3:8-10
    “ Will a man rob God? Yet you are robbing Me!” You ask:“ How do we rob You?”“ By not making the payments of the tenth and the contributions.You are suffering under a curse, yet you— the whole nation— are still robbing Me.Bring the full tenth into the storehouse so that there may be food in My house. Test Me in this way,” says the Lord of Hosts.“ See if I will not open the floodgates of heaven and pour out a blessing for you without measure.
  • Deuteronomy 28:15-68
    “ But if you do not obey the Lord your God by carefully following all His commands and statutes I am giving you today, all these curses will come and overtake you:You will be cursed in the city and cursed in the country.Your basket and kneading bowl will be cursed.Your descendants will be cursed, and your land’s produce, the young of your herds, and the newborn of your flocks.You will be cursed when you come in and cursed when you go out.The Lord will send against you curses, confusion, and rebuke in everything you do until you are destroyed and quickly perish, because of the wickedness of your actions in abandoning Me.The Lord will make pestilence cling to you until He has exterminated you from the land you are entering to possess.The Lord will afflict you with wasting disease, fever, inflammation, burning heat, drought, blight, and mildew; these will pursue you until you perish.The sky above you will be bronze, and the earth beneath you iron.The Lord will turn the rain of your land into falling dust; it will descend on you from the sky until you are destroyed.The Lord will cause you to be defeated before your enemies. You will march out against them from one direction but flee from them in seven directions. You will be an object of horror to all the kingdoms of the earth.Your corpses will be food for all the birds of the sky and the wild animals of the land, with no one to scare them away.“ The Lord will afflict you with the boils of Egypt, tumors, a festering rash, and scabies, from which you cannot be cured.The Lord will afflict you with madness, blindness, and mental confusion,so that at noon you will grope as a blind man gropes in the dark. You will not be successful in anything you do. You will only be oppressed and robbed continually, and no one will help you.You will become engaged to a woman, but another man will rape her. You will build a house but not live in it. You will plant a vineyard but not enjoy its fruit.Your ox will be slaughtered before your eyes, but you will not eat any of it. Your donkey will be taken away from you and not returned to you. Your flock will be given to your enemies, and no one will help you.Your sons and daughters will be given to another people, while your eyes grow weary looking for them every day. But you will be powerless to do anything.A people you don’t know will eat your land’s produce and everything you have labored for. You will only be oppressed and crushed continually.You will be driven mad by what you see.The Lord will afflict you with painful and incurable boils on your knees and thighs— from the sole of your foot to the top of your head.“ The Lord will bring you and your king that you have appointed to a nation neither you nor your fathers have known, and there you will worship other gods, of wood and stone.You will become an object of horror, scorn, and ridicule among all the peoples where the Lord will drive you.“ You will sow much seed in the field but harvest little, because locusts will devour it.You will plant and cultivate vineyards but not drink the wine or gather the grapes, because worms will eat them.You will have olive trees throughout your territory but not anoint yourself with oil, because your olives will drop off.You will father sons and daughters, but they will not remain yours, because they will be taken prisoner.Whirring insects will take possession of all your trees and your land’s produce.The foreign resident among you will rise higher and higher above you, while you sink lower and lower.He will lend to you, but you won’t lend to him. He will be the head, and you will be the tail.“ All these curses will come, pursue, and overtake you until you are destroyed, since you did not obey the Lord your God and keep the commands and statutes He gave you.These curses will be a sign and a wonder against you and your descendants forever.Because you didn’t serve the Lord your God with joy and a cheerful heart, even though you had an abundance of everything,you will serve your enemies the Lord will send against you, in famine, thirst, nakedness, and a lack of everything. He will place an iron yoke on your neck until He has destroyed you.The Lord will bring a nation from far away, from the ends of the earth, to swoop down on you like an eagle, a nation whose language you don’t understand,a ruthless nation, showing no respect for the old and not sparing the young.They will eat the offspring of your livestock and your land’s produce until you are destroyed. They will leave you no grain, new wine, oil, young of your herds, or newborn of your flocks until they cause you to perish.They will besiege you within all your gates until your high and fortified walls, that you trust in, come down throughout your land. They will besiege you within all your gates throughout the land the Lord your God has given you.“ You will eat your children, the flesh of your sons and daughters the Lord your God has given you during the siege and hardship your enemy imposes on you.The most sensitive and refined man among you will look grudgingly at his brother, the wife he embraces, and the rest of his children,refusing to share with any of them his children’s flesh that he will eat because he has nothing left during the siege and hardship your enemy imposes on you in all your towns.The most sensitive and refined woman among you, who would not venture to set the sole of her foot on the ground because of her refinement and sensitivity, will begrudge the husband she embraces, her son, and her daughter,the afterbirth that comes out from between her legs and the children she bears, because she will secretly eat them for lack of anything else during the siege and hardship your enemy imposes on you within your gates.“ If you are not careful to obey all the words of this law, which are written in this scroll, by fearing this glorious and awesome name— Yahweh, your God—He will bring extraordinary plagues on you and your descendants, severe and lasting plagues, and terrible and chronic sicknesses.He will afflict you again with all the diseases of Egypt, which you dreaded, and they will cling to you.The Lord will also afflict you with every sickness and plague not recorded in the book of this law, until you are destroyed.Though you were as numerous as the stars of the sky, you will be left with only a few people, because you did not obey the Lord your God.Just as the Lord was glad to cause you to prosper and to multiply you, so He will also be glad to cause you to perish and to destroy you. You will be deported from the land you are entering to possess.Then the Lord will scatter you among all peoples from one end of the earth to the other, and there you will worship other gods, of wood and stone, which neither you nor your fathers have known.You will find no peace among those nations, and there will be no resting place for the sole of your foot. There the Lord will give you a trembling heart, failing eyes, and a despondent spirit.Your life will hang in doubt before you. You will be in dread night and day, never certain of survival.In the morning you will say,‘ If only it were evening!’ and in the evening you will say,‘ If only it were morning!’— because of the dread you will have in your heart and because of what you will see.The Lord will take you back in ships to Egypt by a route that I said you would never see again. There you will sell yourselves to your enemies as male and female slaves, but no one will buy you.”
  • Hebrews 6:6-8
    and who have fallen away, because, to their own harm, they are recrucifying the Son of God and holding Him up to contempt.For ground that has drunk the rain that has often fallen on it and that produces vegetation useful to those it is cultivated for receives a blessing from God.But if it produces thorns and thistles, it is worthless and about to be cursed, and will be burned at the end.
  • Luke 21:35
    like a trap. For it will come on all who live on the face of the whole earth.
  • Daniel 9:11
    All Israel has broken Your law and turned away, refusing to obey You. The promised curse written in the law of Moses, the servant of God, has been poured out on us because we have sinned against Him.
  • Matthew 23:16-22
    “ Woe to you, blind guides, who say,‘ Whoever takes an oath by the sanctuary, it means nothing. But whoever takes an oath by the gold of the sanctuary is bound by his oath.’Blind fools! For which is greater, the gold or the sanctuary that sanctified the gold?Also,‘ Whoever takes an oath by the altar, it means nothing. But whoever takes an oath by the gift that is on it is bound by his oath.’Blind people! For which is greater, the gift or the altar that sanctifies the gift?Therefore, the one who takes an oath by the altar takes an oath by it and by everything on it.The one who takes an oath by the sanctuary takes an oath by it and by Him who dwells in it.And the one who takes an oath by heaven takes an oath by God’s throne and by Him who sits on it.
  • Proverbs 29:24
    To be a thief’s partner is to hate oneself; he hears the curse but will not testify.
  • Ephesians 4:28
    The thief must no longer steal. Instead, he must do honest work with his own hands, so that he has something to share with anyone in need.
  • Psalms 109:17-20
    He loved cursing— let it fall on him; he took no delight in blessing— let it be far from him.He wore cursing like his coat— let it enter his body like water and go into his bones like oil.Let it be like a robe he wraps around himself, like a belt he always wears.Let this be the Lord’s payment to my accusers, to those who speak evil against me.
  • James 5:12
    Now above all, my brothers, do not swear, either by heaven or by earth or with any other oath. Your“ yes” must be“ yes,” and your“ no” must be“ no,” so that you won’t fall under judgment.
  • Jeremiah 23:10
    For the land is full of adulterers; the land mourns because of the curse, and the grazing lands in the wilderness have dried up. Their way of life has become evil, and their power is not rightly used
  • Matthew 5:33-37
    “ Again, you have heard that it was said to our ancestors, You must not break your oath, but you must keep your oaths to the Lord.But I tell you, don’t take an oath at all: either by heaven, because it is God’s throne;or by the earth, because it is His footstool; or by Jerusalem, because it is the city of the great King.Neither should you swear by your head, because you cannot make a single hair white or black.But let your word‘ yes’ be‘ yes,’ and your‘ no’ be‘ no.’ Anything more than this is from the evil one.
  • Deuteronomy 29:19-28
    When someone hears the words of this oath, he may consider himself exempt, thinking,‘ I will have peace even though I follow my own stubborn heart.’ This will lead to the destruction of the well-watered land as well as the dry land.The Lord will not be willing to forgive him. Instead, His anger and jealousy will burn against that person, and every curse written in this scroll will descend on him. The Lord will blot out his name under heaven,and single him out for harm from all the tribes of Israel, according to all the curses of the covenant written in this book of the law.“ Future generations of your children who follow you and the foreigner who comes from a distant country will see the plagues of the land and the sicknesses the Lord has inflicted on it.All its soil will be a burning waste of sulfur and salt, unsown, producing nothing, with no plant growing on it, just like the fall of Sodom and Gomorrah, Admah and Zeboiim, which the Lord demolished in His fierce anger.All the nations will ask,‘ Why has the Lord done this to this land? Why this great outburst of anger?’Then people will answer,‘ It is because they abandoned the covenant of Yahweh, the God of their fathers, which He had made with them when He brought them out of the land of Egypt.They began to worship other gods, bowing down to gods they had not known— gods that the Lord had not permitted them to worship.Therefore the Lord’s anger burned against this land, and He brought every curse written in this book on it.The Lord uprooted them from their land in His anger, rage, and great wrath, and threw them into another land where they are today.’