Isaiah 64:6
We are all infected and impure with sin. When we display our righteous deeds, they are nothing but filthy rags. Like autumn leaves, we wither and fall, and our sins sweep us away like the wind.
Ezra 9:15
O Lord, God of Israel, you are just. We come before you in our guilt as nothing but an escaped remnant, though in such a condition none of us can stand in your presence.”
Matthew 22:11-13
“ But when the king came in to meet the guests, he noticed a man who wasn’t wearing the proper clothes for a wedding.‘ Friend,’ he asked,‘ how is it that you are here without wedding clothes?’ But the man had no reply.Then the king said to his aides,‘ Bind his hands and feet and throw him into the outer darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.’
Revelation 19:8
She has been given the finest of pure white linen to wear.” For the fine linen represents the good deeds of God’s holy people.
Daniel 9:18
“ O my God, lean down and listen to me. Open your eyes and see our despair. See how your city— the city that bears your name— lies in ruins. We make this plea, not because we deserve help, but because of your mercy.
Revelation 7:13-14
Then one of the twenty four elders asked me,“ Who are these who are clothed in white? Where did they come from?”And I said to him,“ Sir, you are the one who knows.” Then he said to me,“ These are the ones who died in the great tribulation. They have washed their robes in the blood of the Lamb and made them white.
2 Chronicles 30 18-2 Chronicles 30 20
Most of those who came from Ephraim, Manasseh, Issachar, and Zebulun had not purified themselves. But King Hezekiah prayed for them, and they were allowed to eat the Passover meal anyway, even though this was contrary to the requirements of the Law. For Hezekiah said,“ May the Lord, who is good, pardon thosewho decide to follow the Lord, the God of their ancestors, even though they are not properly cleansed for the ceremony.”And the Lord listened to Hezekiah’s prayer and healed the people.