1 Corinthians 15 57
But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ!
1John 4:4
2 Corinthians 2 14
But thanks be to God, who always leads us in Christ’s triumphal procession and through us spreads the aroma of the knowledge of him in every place.
1 John 5 4-1 John 5 5
because everyone who has been born of God conquers the world. This is the victory that has conquered the world: our faith.Who is the one who conquers the world but the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God?
Revelation 21:7
The one who conquers will inherit these things, and I will be his God, and he will be my son.
Galatians 2:20
I have been crucified with Christ, and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.
Revelation 12:11
They conquered him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; for they did not love their lives to the point of death.
Jude 1:24
Now to him who is able to protect you from stumbling and to make you stand in the presence of his glory, without blemish and with great joy,
Revelation 17:14
These will make war against the Lamb, but the Lamb will conquer them because he is Lord of lords and King of kings. Those with him are called, chosen, and faithful.”
2 Corinthians 12 9
But he said to me,“ My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is perfected in weakness.” Therefore, I will most gladly boast all the more about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may reside in me.
2 Chronicles 20 25-2 Chronicles 20 27
Then Jehoshaphat and his people went to gather the plunder. They found among them an abundance of goods on the bodies and valuable items. So they stripped them until nobody could carry any more. They were gathering the plunder for three days because there was so much.They assembled in the Valley of Beracah on the fourth day, for there they blessed the LORD. Therefore, that place is still called the Valley of Beracah today.Then all the men of Judah and Jerusalem turned back with Jehoshaphat their leader, returning joyfully to Jerusalem, for the LORD enabled them to rejoice over their enemies.
Ephesians 5:2
and walk in love, as Christ also loved us and gave himself for us, a sacrificial and fragrant offering to God.
Revelation 1:5
and from Jesus Christ, the faithful witness, the firstborn from the dead and the ruler of the kings of the earth. To him who loves us and has set us free from our sins by his blood,
1John 4:19
John 16:33
I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace. You will have suffering in this world. Be courageous! I have conquered the world.”
Revelation 7:9-10
After this I looked, and there was a vast multitude from every nation, tribe, people, and language, which no one could number, standing before the throne and before the Lamb. They were clothed in white robes with palm branches in their hands.And they cried out in a loud voice: Salvation belongs to our God, who is seated on the throne, and to the Lamb!
1 Corinthians 15 54
When this corruptible body is clothed with incorruptibility, and this mortal body is clothed with immortality, then the saying that is written will take place: Death has been swallowed up in victory.
Isaiah 25:8
When he has swallowed up death once and for all, the Lord GOD will wipe away the tears from every face and remove his people’s disgrace from the whole earth, for the LORD has spoken.
2 Thessalonians 2 16
May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who has loved us and given us eternal encouragement and good hope by grace,
Revelation 3:9
Note this: I will make those from the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews and are not, but are lying— I will make them come and bow down at your feet, and they will know that I have loved you.
1 John 4 10
Love consists in this: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son to be the atoning sacrifice for our sins.
Ephesians 5:25-27
Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself for herto make her holy, cleansing her with the washing of water by the word.He did this to present the church to himself in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or anything like that, but holy and blameless.
2 Corinthians 12 19
Have you been thinking all along that we were defending ourselves to you? No, in the sight of God we are speaking in Christ, and everything, dear friends, is for building you up.
Revelation 11:7-12
When they finish their testimony, the beast that comes up out of the abyss will make war on them, conquer them, and kill them.Their dead bodies will lie in the main street of the great city, which figuratively is called Sodom and Egypt, where also their Lord was crucified.And some of the peoples, tribes, languages, and nations will view their bodies for three and a half days and not permit their bodies to be put into a tomb.Those who live on the earth will gloat over them and celebrate and send gifts to one another because these two prophets had tormented those who live on the earth.But after three and a half days, the breath of life from God entered them, and they stood on their feet. Great fear fell on those who saw them.Then they heard a loud voice from heaven saying to them,“ Come up here.” They went up to heaven in a cloud, while their enemies watched them.