<< Romans 2:28 >>



  • Galatians 6:15
    Circumcision and uncircumcision don’t mean anything. What really counts is that the new creation has come.
  • Matthew 3:9
    Don’t think you can say to yourselves,‘ Abraham is our father.’ I tell you, God can raise up children for Abraham even from these stones.
  • Revelation 2:9
    ‘ I know that you suffer and are poor. But you are rich! Some people say they are Jews but are not. I know that their words are evil. Their worship comes from Satan.
  • Romans 9:6-8
    I do not mean that God’s word has failed. Not everyone in the family line of Israel really belongs to Israel.Not everyone in Abraham’s family line is really his child. Not at all! Scripture says,“ Your family line will continue through Isaac.”( Genesis 21:12)In other words, God’s children are not just in the family line of Abraham. Instead, they are the children God promised to him. They are the ones considered to be Abraham’s children.
  • Isaiah 48:1-2
    People of Jacob, listen to me. You are called by the name of Israel. You come from the family line of Judah. You make promises in the name of the Lord. You pray to Israel’s God. But you aren’t honest. You don’t mean what you say.You call yourselves citizens of the holy city of Jerusalem. You say you depend on Israel’s God. His name is the Lord Who Rules Over All. He says,
  • Isaiah 1:9-15
    The Lord who rules over all has let some people live through that time of trouble. If he hadn’t, we would have become like Sodom. We would have been like Gomorrah.Rulers of Sodom, hear the Lord’ s message. People of Gomorrah, listen to the instruction of our God.“ Do you think I need any more of your sacrifices?” asks the Lord.“ I have more than enough of your burnt offerings. I have more than enough of rams and the fat of your fattest animals. I do not find any pleasure in the blood of your bulls, lambs and goats.Who asked you to bring all these animals when you come to worship me? Who asked you and your animals to walk all over my courtyards?Stop bringing offerings that do not mean anything to me! I hate your incense. I can’t stand your worthless gatherings. I can’t stand the way you celebrate your New Moon feasts, Sabbath days and special services.Your New Moon feasts and your other appointed feasts I hate with my whole being. They have become a heavy load to me. I am tired of carrying it.You might spread out your hands toward me when you pray. But I do not look at you. You might even offer many prayers. But I am not listening to them. Your hands are covered with the blood of the people you have murdered.
  • Romans 4:10-12
    When did it happen? Was it after Abraham was circumcised, or before? It was before he was circumcised, not after!He was circumcised as a sign of the covenant God had made with him. It showed that his faith had made him right with God before he was circumcised. So Abraham is the father of all believers who have not been circumcised. God accepts their faith. So their faith makes them right with him.And Abraham is also the father of those who are circumcised and believe. So just being circumcised is not enough. Those who are circumcised must also follow the steps of our father Abraham. He had faith before he was circumcised.
  • John 8:37-39
    I know that you are Abraham’s children. But you are looking for a way to kill me. You have no room for my word.I am telling you what I saw when I was with my Father. You are doing what you have heard from your father.”“ Abraham is our father,” they answered. Jesus said,“ Are you really Abraham’s children? If you are, you will do what Abraham did.
  • 1 Peter 3 21
    The water of the flood is a picture. It is a picture of the baptism that now saves you too. This baptism has nothing to do with removing dirt from your body. Instead, it promises God that you will keep a clear sense of right and wrong. This baptism saves you by the same power that raised Jesus Christ from the dead.
  • Jeremiah 9:26
    That includes the people of Egypt, Judah, Edom, Ammon and Moab. It also includes all those who live in the desert in places far away. None of the people in these nations is really circumcised. And not even the people of Israel are circumcised in their hearts.”
  • John 1:47
    Jesus saw Nathanael approaching. Here is what Jesus said about him.“ He is a true Israelite. Nothing about him is false.”
  • Psalms 73:1
    God is truly good to Israel. He is good to those who have pure hearts.
  • Hosea 1:6-9
    Gomer became pregnant again. She had a daughter. Then the Lord said to Hosea,“ Name her Lo- Ruhamah.” Lo- Ruhamah means Not Loved.“ That’s because I will no longer show love to the people of Israel. I will not forgive them anymore.But I will show love to the people of Judah. And I will save them. I will not use bows or swords or other weapons of war to do it. I will not save them by using horses and horsemen either. Instead, I will use my own power to save them. I am the Lord their God. And I will save them.”Later, Gomer stopped nursing Lo- Ruhamah. After that, she had another son.Then the Lord said,“ Name him Lo- Ammi.” Lo- Ammi means Not My People.“ That’s because Israel is no longer my people. And I am no longer their God.
  • Romans 2:17
    Suppose you call yourself a Jew. You trust in the law. You brag that you know God.