<< Romans 11:12 >>


  • New International Reader's Version
    Israel’s sin brought riches to the world. Their loss brings riches to the Gentiles. So then what greater riches will come when all Israel turns to God!
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  • New International Version
    But if their transgression means riches for the world, and their loss means riches for the Gentiles, how much greater riches will their full inclusion bring!
  • English Standard Version
    Now if their trespass means riches for the world, and if their failure means riches for the Gentiles, how much more will their full inclusion mean!
  • New Living Translation
    Now if the Gentiles were enriched because the people of Israel turned down God’s offer of salvation, think how much greater a blessing the world will share when they finally accept it.
  • Christian Standard Bible
    Now if their transgression brings riches for the world, and their failure riches for the Gentiles, how much more will their fullness bring!
  • New American Standard Bible
    Now if their wrongdoing proves to be riches for the world, and their failure, riches for the Gentiles, how much more will their fulfillment be!
  • New King James Version
    Now if their fall is riches for the world, and their failure riches for the Gentiles, how much more their fullness!
  • American Standard Version
    Now if their fall is the riches of the world, and their loss the riches of the Gentiles; how much more their fulness?
  • Holman Christian Standard Bible
    Now if their stumbling brings riches for the world, and their failure riches for the Gentiles, how much more will their full number bring!
  • King James Version
    Now if the fall of them[ be] the riches of the world, and the diminishing of them the riches of the Gentiles; how much more their fulness?
  • New English Translation
    Now if their transgression means riches for the world and their defeat means riches for the Gentiles, how much more will their full restoration bring?
  • World English Bible
    Now if their fall is the riches of the world, and their loss the riches of the Gentiles; how much more their fullness?


  • Romans 11:25
    Brothers and sisters, here is a mystery I want you to understand. It will keep you from being proud. Part of Israel has refused to obey God. That will continue until the full number of Gentiles has entered God’s kingdom.
  • Zechariah 2:11
    ‘ At that time many nations will join themselves to me. And they will become my people. I will live among you,’ says the Lord. Then you will know that the Lord who rules over all has sent me to you.
  • Ephesians 3:8
    I am by far the least important of all the Lord’s holy people. But he gave me the grace to preach to the Gentiles about the unlimited riches that Christ gives.
  • Micah 5:7
    Jacob’s people who are still left alive will be scattered among many nations. They will be like dew the Lord has sent. Dew doesn’t depend on any human being. They will be like rain that falls on the grass. Rain doesn’t wait for someone to give it orders.
  • Romans 9:23
    What if he put up with them to show the riches of his glory to other people? Those other people are the ones he shows his mercy to. He made them to receive his glory.
  • Colossians 1:27
    God has chosen to make known to them the glorious riches of that mystery. He has made it known among the Gentiles. And here is what it is. Christ is in you. He is your hope of glory.
  • Isaiah 66:8-20
    Who has ever heard of anything like that? Who has ever seen such a thing? Can a country be born in a day? Can a nation be created in a moment? But as soon as Zion goes into labor, there are many more of her people.Zion, would I bring you to the moment of birth and not let it happen?” says the Lord.“ Would I close up a mother’s body when it is time for her baby to be born?” says your God.“ Be glad along with Jerusalem, all you who love her. Be filled with joy because of her. Take great delight in her, all you who mourn over her.You will nurse at her comforting breasts. And you will be satisfied. You will drink until you are full. And you will delight in her rich and plentiful supply.”The Lord continues,“ I will cause peace to flow over her like a river. I will make the wealth of nations sweep over her like a flooding stream. You will nurse and be carried in her arms. You will play on her lap.As a mother comforts her child, I will comfort you. You will find comfort in Jerusalem.”When you see that happen, your hearts will be filled with joy. Just as grass grows quickly, you will succeed. The Lord will show his power to those who serve him. But he will pour out his anger on his enemies.The Lord will judge them with fire. His chariots are coming like a windstorm. He will pour out his burning anger on his enemies. It will blaze out like flames of fire.The Lord will judge with fire and with his sword. He will judge all people. He will put many people to death.“ Some people set themselves apart and make themselves pure. They do it so they can go into the gardens to worship other gods. They follow what the worship leader tells them to do. They are among those who eat the meat of pigs and rats. They also eat other‘ unclean’ things. Those people and the one they follow will come to a horrible end,” announces the Lord.“ They have planned to do many evil things. And they have carried out their plans. So I will come and gather the people of every nation and language. They will see my glory when I act.“ I will give them a sign. I will send to the nations some of those who are left alive. I will send some of them to the people of Tarshish, Libya and Lydia, who are famous for using bows. I will send others to Tubal and Greece. And I will send still others to islands far away. The people who live there have not heard about my fame. They have not seen my glory. But when I act, those I send will tell the nations about my glory.And they will bring back all the people of Israel from all those nations. They will bring them to my holy mountain in Jerusalem. My people will ride on horses, mules and camels. They will come in chariots and wagons,” says the Lord.“ Those messengers will bring my people as an offering to me. They will bring them to my temple, just as the Israelites bring their grain offerings in bowls that are‘ clean.’
  • Romans 11:15
    When they were not accepted, it became possible for the whole world to be brought back to God. So what will happen when they are accepted? It will be like life from the dead.
  • Revelation 11:15-19
    The seventh angel blew his trumpet. There were loud voices in heaven. They said,“ The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Messiah. He will rule for ever and ever.”The 24 elders were sitting on their thrones in front of God. They fell on their faces and worshiped God.They said,“ Lord God who rules over all, we give thanks to you. You are the God who is and who was. We give you thanks. That’s because you have begun to rule with your great power.The nations were angry, and the time for your anger has come. The time has come to judge the dead. It is time to reward your servants the prophets and your people who honor you. There is a reward for all your people, both great and small. It is time to destroy those who destroy the earth.”Then God’s temple in heaven was opened. Inside it the wooden chest called the ark of his covenant could be seen. There were flashes of lightning, rumblings and thunder, an earthquake and a severe hailstorm.
  • Isaiah 60:1-22
    “ People of Jerusalem, get up. Shine, because your light has come. The glory of the Lord will shine on you.Darkness covers the earth. Thick darkness spreads over the nations. But I will rise and shine on you. My glory will appear over you.Nations will come to your light. Kings will come to the brightness of your new day.“ Look up. Look all around you. All your people are getting together to come back to you. Your sons will come from far away. Your daughters will be carried on the hip like little children.Then your face will glow with joy. Your heart will beat fast because you are so happy. Wealth from across the ocean will be brought to you. The riches of the nations will come to you.Herds of young camels will cover your land. They will come from Midian and Ephah. They will also come from Sheba. They’ll carry gold and incense. And people will shout praises to me.All of Kedar’s flocks will be gathered to you. The rams of Nebaioth will serve as your sacrifices. I will accept them as offerings on my altar. That is how I will bring honor to my glorious temple.“ Whose ships are these that sail along like clouds? They fly like doves to their nests.People from the islands are coming to me. The ships of Tarshish are out in front. They are bringing your children back from far away. Your children are bringing their silver and gold with them. They are coming to honor me. I am the Lord your God. I am the Holy One of Israel. I have honored you.“ People from other lands will rebuild your walls. Their kings will serve you. When I was angry with you, I struck you. But now I will show you my tender love.Your gates will always stand open. They will never be shut, day or night. Then people can bring you the wealth of the nations. Their kings will come along with them.The nation or kingdom that will not serve you will be destroyed. It will be completely wiped out.“ Lebanon’s glorious trees will be brought to you. Its junipers, firs and cypress trees will be brought. They will be used to make my temple beautiful. And I will bring glory to the place where my throne is.The children of those who crush you will come and bow down to you. All those who hate you will kneel down at your feet. Jerusalem, they will call you the City of the Lord. They will name you Zion, the City of the Holy One of Israel.“ You have been deserted and hated. No one even travels through you. But I will make you into something to be proud of forever. You will be a place of joy for all time to come.You will get everything you need from kings and nations. You will be like children who are nursing at their mother’s breasts. Then you will know that I am the one who saves you. I am the Lord. I set you free. I am the Mighty One of Jacob.Instead of bronze I will bring you gold. In place of iron I will give you silver. Instead of wood I will bring you bronze. In place of stones I will give you iron. I will make peace govern you. I will make godliness rule over you.People will no longer harm one another in your land. They will not wipe out or destroy anything inside your borders. You will call your walls Salvation. And you will name your gates Praise.You will not need the light of the sun by day anymore. The bright light of the moon will no longer have to shine on you. I will be your light forever. My glory will shine on you. I am the Lord your God.Your sun will never set again. Your moon will never lose its light. I will be your light forever. Your days of sorrow will come to an end.Then all your people will do what is right. The land will belong to them forever. They will be like a young tree I have planted. My hands have created them. They will show how glorious I am.The smallest family among you will become a tribe. The smallest tribe will become a mighty nation. I am the Lord. When it is the right time, I will act quickly.”
  • Zechariah 8:20-23
    He continued,“ Many nations will still come to you. And those who live in many cities will also come.The people who live in one city will go to another city. They will say,‘ Let’s go right away to ask the Lord for his blessing. Let’s look to him as our God. We ourselves are going.’Large numbers of people and nations will come to Jerusalem. They will look to me. They will ask me to bless them.”He continued,“ At that time many people of all nations and languages will take hold of one Jew. They will grab hold of the hem of his robe. And they will say,‘ We want to go to Jerusalem with you. We’ve heard that God is with you.’ ”
  • Isaiah 11:11-12:6
    At that time the Lord will reach out his hand. He will gather his people a second time. He will bring back those who are left alive. He’ll bring them back from Assyria, Lower Egypt, Upper Egypt and Cush. He’ll bring them from Elam, Babylon and Hamath. He will also bring them from the islands of the Mediterranean Sea.He will lift up a banner. It will show the nations that he is gathering the people of Israel. He’ll bring back those who had been taken away as prisoners. He’ll gather together the scattered people of Judah. He’ll bring them back from all four directions.Ephraim’s people won’t be jealous anymore. Judah’s attackers will be destroyed. Ephraim won’t be jealous of Judah. And Judah won’t attack Ephraim.Together they will rush down the slopes of Philistia to the west. They’ll take what belongs to the people of the east. They’ll take over Edom and Moab. The people of Ammon will be under their control.The Lord will dry up the Red Sea in Egypt. By his power he’ll send a burning wind to sweep over the Euphrates River. He will break it up into many streams. Then people will be able to go across it wearing sandals.There was a road the people of Israel used when they came up from Egypt. In the same way, there will be a wide road coming out of Assyria. It will be used by the Lord’ s people who are left alive there.In days to come, the people of Israel will sing,“ Lord, we will praise you. You were angry with us. But now your anger has turned away from us. And you have brought us comfort.God, you are the one who saves us. We will trust in you. Then we won’t be afraid. Lord, you are the one who gives us strength. You are the one who keeps us safe. Lord, you have saved us.”People of Israel, he will save you. That will bring you joy like water brought up from wells.In days to come, the people of Israel will sing,“ Give praise to the Lord. Make his name known. Tell the nations what he has done. Announce how honored he is.Sing to the Lord. He has done glorious things. Let it be known all over the world.People of Zion, give a loud shout! Sing for joy! The Holy One of Israel is among you. And he is great.”
  • Romans 11:33
    How very rich are God’s wisdom and knowledge! How he judges is more than we can understand! The way he deals with people is more than we can know!
  • Micah 4:1-2
    In the last days the mountain where the Lord’ s temple is located will be famous. It will be the highest mountain of all. It will be lifted up above the hills. And nations will go to it.People from many nations will go there. They will say,“ Come, let us go up to the Lord’ s mountain. Let’s go to the temple of Jacob’s God. He will teach us how we should live. Then we will live the way he wants us to.” The law of the Lord will be taught at Zion. His message will go out from Jerusalem.