<< Romans 10:21 >>



  • Isaiah 65:2-5
    All day long I have held out my hands to welcome a stubborn nation. They lead sinful lives. They go where their evil thoughts take them.They are always making me very angry. They do it right in front of me. They offer sacrifices in the gardens of other gods. They burn incense on altars that are made out of bricks.They sit among the graves. They spend their nights talking to the spirits of the dead. They eat the meat of pigs. Their cooking pots hold soup that has‘ unclean’ meat in it.They say,‘ Keep away! Don’t come near us! We are too sacred for you!’ Those people are like smoke in my nose. They are like a fire that keeps burning all day.
  • Jeremiah 35:15
    Again and again I sent all my servants the prophets to you. They said,‘ Each of you must turn from your evil ways. You must change the way you act. Do not worship other gods. Do not serve them. Then you will live in the land. I gave it to you and your people of long ago.’ But you have not paid any attention. You have not listened to me.
  • Matthew 20:1-15
    “ The kingdom of heaven is like a man who owned land. He went out early in the morning to hire workers for his vineyard.He agreed to give them the usual pay for a day’s work. Then he sent them into his vineyard.“ About nine o’clock in the morning he went out again. He saw others standing in the market doing nothing.He told them,‘ You also go and work in my vineyard. I’ll pay you what is right.’So they went.“ He went out again about noon and at three o’clock and did the same thing.About five o’clock he went out and found still others standing around. He asked them,‘ Why have you been standing here all day long doing nothing?’“‘ Because no one has hired us,’ they answered.“ He said to them,‘ You also go and work in my vineyard.’“ When evening came, the owner of the vineyard spoke to the person who was in charge of the workers. He said,‘ Call the workers and give them their pay. Begin with the last ones I hired. Then go on to the first ones.’“ The workers who were hired about five o’clock came. Each received the usual day’s pay.So when those who were hired first came, they expected to receive more. But each of them also received the usual day’s pay.When they received it, they began to complain about the owner.‘ These people who were hired last worked only one hour,’ they said.‘ You have paid them the same as us. We have done most of the work and have been in the hot sun all day.’“ The owner answered one of them.‘ Friend,’ he said,‘ I’m being fair to you. Didn’t you agree to work for the usual day’s pay?Take your money and go. I want to give the one I hired last the same pay I gave you.Don’t I have the right to do what I want with my own money? Do you feel cheated because I gave so freely to the others?’
  • 1 Thessalonians 2 16
    They try to keep us from speaking to the Gentiles. These Jews don’t want the Gentiles to be saved. In this way, these Jews always increase their sins to the limit. God’s anger has come on them at last.
  • Deuteronomy 31:27
    I know how you refuse to obey the Lord. I know how stubborn you are. You have refused to obey him while I’ve been living among you. So you will certainly refuse to obey him after I’m dead!
  • Proverbs 1:24
    But you refuse to listen when I call out to you. No one pays attention when I reach out my hand.
  • 1 Samuel 8 7-1 Samuel 8 8
    The Lord told him,“ Listen to everything the people are saying to you. You are not the one they have turned their backs on. I am the one they do not want as their king.They are doing just as they have always done. They have deserted me and served other gods. They have done that from the time I brought them up out of Egypt until this day. Now they are deserting you too.
  • Matthew 21:33-43
    “ Listen to another story. A man who owned some land planted a vineyard. He put a wall around it. He dug a pit for a winepress in it. He also built a lookout tower. He rented the vineyard out to some farmers. Then he moved to another place.When harvest time approached, he sent his slaves to the renters. He told the slaves to collect his share of the fruit.“ But the renters grabbed his slaves. They beat one of them. They killed another. They threw stones at the third to kill him.Then the man sent other slaves to the renters. He sent more than he did the first time. The renters treated them the same way.Last of all, he sent his son to them.‘ They will respect my son,’ he said.“ But the renters saw the son coming. They said to one another,‘ This is the one who will receive all the owner’s property someday. Come, let’s kill him. Then everything will be ours.’So they took him and threw him out of the vineyard. Then they killed him.“ When the owner of the vineyard comes back, what will he do to those renters?”“ He will destroy those evil people,” they replied.“ Then he will rent the vineyard out to other renters. They will give him his share of the crop at harvest time.”Jesus said to them,“ Haven’t you ever read what the Scriptures say,“‘ The stone the builders didn’t accept has become the most important stone of all. The Lord has done it. It is wonderful in our eyes’?( Psalm 118:22, 23)“ So here is what I tell you. The kingdom of God will be taken away from you. It will be given to people who will produce its fruit.
  • Acts 13:46-47
    Then Paul and Barnabas answered them boldly.“ We had to speak God’s word to you first,” they said.“ But you don’t accept it. You don’t think you are good enough for eternal life. So now we are turning to the Gentiles.This is what the Lord has commanded us to do. He said,“‘ I have made you a light for the Gentiles. You will bring salvation to the whole earth.’ ”( Isaiah 49:6)
  • Nehemiah 9:26
    “ But they didn’t obey you. Instead, they turned against you. They turned their backs on your law. They killed your prophets. The prophets had warned them to return to you. But they did very evil things that dishonored you.
  • 1 Peter 2 8
    And,“ It is a stone that causes people to trip. It is a rock that makes them fall.”( Isaiah 8:14) They trip and fall because they do not obey the message. That is also what God planned for them.
  • Jeremiah 44:4-6
    Again and again I sent my servants the prophets. They said,‘ Don’t worship other gods! The Lord hates it!’But the people didn’t listen. They didn’t pay any attention. They didn’t turn from their sinful ways. They didn’t stop burning incense to other gods.So my burning anger was poured out. It blazed out against the towns of Judah and the streets of Jerusalem. It made them the dry and empty places they are today.”
  • Matthew 22:3-7
    He sent his slaves to those who had been invited to the dinner. The slaves told them to come. But they refused.“ Then he sent some more slaves. He said,‘ Tell those who were invited that I have prepared my dinner. I have killed my oxen and my fattest cattle. Everything is ready. Come to the wedding dinner.’“ But the people paid no attention. One went away to his field. Another went away to his business.The rest grabbed his slaves. They treated them badly and then killed them.The king became very angry. He sent his army to destroy them. They killed those murderers and burned their city.
  • Deuteronomy 9:13
    The Lord also said to me,“ I have seen these people. They are so stubborn!
  • Acts 7:51-52
    “ You stubborn people! You won’t obey! You won’t listen! You are just like your people of long ago! You always oppose the Holy Spirit!Was there ever a prophet your people didn’t try to hurt? They even killed those who told about the coming of the Blameless One. And now you have handed him over to his enemies. You have murdered him.
  • Luke 24:47
    His followers will preach in his name. They will tell others to turn away from their sins and be forgiven. People from every nation will hear it, beginning at Jerusalem.
  • Jeremiah 25:4
    “ The Lord has sent all his servants the prophets to you. They’ve come to you again and again. But you haven’t listened. You haven’t paid any attention to them.
  • Matthew 23:34-37
    So I am sending you prophets, wise people, and teachers. You will kill some of them. You will nail some to a cross. Others you will whip in your synagogues. You will chase them from town to town.So you will pay for all the godly people’s blood spilled on earth. I mean from the blood of godly Abel to the blood of Zechariah, the son of Berekiah. Zechariah was the one you murdered between the temple and the altar.What I’m about to tell you is true. All this will happen to those who are now living.“ Jerusalem! Jerusalem! You kill the prophets and throw stones in order to kill those who are sent to you. Many times I have wanted to gather your people together. I have wanted to be like a hen who gathers her chicks under her wings. And you would not let me!