Revelation 21:8
But others will be thrown into the lake of fire that burns with sulfur. Those who are afraid and those who do not believe will be there. Murderers and those who make themselves impure will join them. Those who commit sexual sins and those who practice witchcraft will go there. Those who worship statues of gods and all who tell lies will be there too. The lake of fire is the second death.”
Revelation 17:2
The kings of the earth took part in her evil ways. The people living on earth were drunk with the wine of her terrible sins.”
Revelation 17:5
The name written on her forehead was a mystery. Here is what it said. the great city of babylon the mother of prostitutes the mother of everything on earth that god hates
Isaiah 47:9
But both of these things will happen to you in a moment. They will take place on a single day. You will lose your children. And you will become a widow. That is what will happen to you. All your evil magic and powerful spells will not save you.
Revelation 22:15
Outside the city are those who are impure. These people include those who practice witchcraft. Outside are also those who commit sexual sins and murder. Outside are those who worship statues of gods. And outside is everyone who loves and does what is false.
2 Corinthians 12 21
I’m afraid that when I come again my God will put me to shame in front of you. Then I will be sad about many who sinned earlier and have not turned away from it. They have not turned away from uncleanness, sexual sins and wild living. They have done all those things.
Revelation 18:23-24
The light of a lamp will never shine in you again. The voices of brides and grooms will never be heard in you again. Your traders were among the world’s most important people. By your magic spell all the nations were led astray.You were guilty of the murder of prophets and God’s holy people. You were guilty of the blood of all who have been killed on the earth.”
Revelation 16:6
Those who worship the beast have poured out blood. They have poured out the life’s blood of your holy people and your prophets. So you have given blood to drink to those who worship the beast. That’s exactly what they should get.”
Isaiah 47:12
“ So keep on casting your magic spells. Keep on practicing your evil magic. You have been doing those things ever since you were a child. Perhaps they will help you. Maybe they will scare your enemies away.
Revelation 19:2
The way he judges is true and fair. He has judged the great prostitute. She made the earth impure with her terrible sins. God has paid her back for killing those who served him.”
Galatians 5:20
It includes worshiping statues of gods and worshiping evil powers. It also includes hatred and fighting, jealousy and fits of anger. Sinful desire is interested only in getting ahead. It stirs up trouble. It separates people into their own little groups.
Revelation 14:8
A second angel followed him. He said,“‘ Fallen! Babylon the Great has fallen!’( Isaiah 21:9) The city of Babylon made all the nations drink the strong wine of her terrible sins.”
Isaiah 57:3
The Lord says,“ Come here, you children of women who practice evil magic! You are children of prostitutes and those who commit adultery.
Revelation 18:3
All the nations have drunk the strong wine of her terrible sins. The kings of the earth took part in her evil ways. The traders of the world grew rich from her great wealth.”
Matthew 15:19
Evil thoughts come out of a person’s heart. So do murder, adultery, and other sexual sins. And so do stealing, false witness, and telling lies about others.
Revelation 13:15
The second beast was allowed to give breath to this statue so it could speak. The statue could kill all who refused to worship it.
Malachi 3:5
“ So I will come and put you on trial. I will be quick to bring charges against all of you,” says the Lord who rules over all.“ I will bring charges against you sinful people who do not have any respect for me. That includes those who practice evil magic. It includes those who commit adultery and those who tell lies in court. It includes those who cheat workers out of their pay. It includes those who treat widows badly. It also includes those who mistreat children whose fathers have died. And it includes those who take away the rights of outsiders in the courts.
Daniel 7:21-25
I saw that the horn was at war with God’s holy people. It was winning the battle over them.But then the Eternal God came. He decided in favor of his holy people. So the time came when the kingdom was given to them.“ Here’s how the angel explained it to me. He said,‘ The fourth animal stands for a fourth kingdom. It will appear on earth. It will be different from the other kingdoms. It will eat up the whole earth. It will stomp on it and crush it.The ten horns stand for ten kings. They will come from the fourth kingdom. After them another king will appear. He will be different from the earlier ones. He’ll bring three kings under his control.He’ll speak against the Most High God. He’ll treat God’s holy people badly. He will try to change the times and laws that were given by God. God’s holy people will be placed under his power for three and a half years.
Daniel 11:33
“ Those who are wise will teach many others. But for a while, some of the wise will be killed by swords. Others will be burned to death. Still others will be made prisoners. Or they will be robbed of everything they have.
Revelation 11:7-9
When they have finished speaking, the beast that comes up from the Abyss will attack them. He will overpower them and kill them.Their bodies will lie in the main street of the great city. It is also the city where their Lord was nailed to a cross. The city is sometimes compared to Sodom or Egypt.For three and a half days, people will stare at their bodies. These people will be from every tribe and nation, no matter what language they speak. They will refuse to bury them.
Revelation 13:13
The second beast performed great signs. It even made fire come from heaven to the earth. And the fire was seen by everyone.
Revelation 13:7
The beast was allowed to make war against God’s holy people and to overcome them. It was given authority over every tribe, people and nation, no matter what language they spoke.