<< Revelation 2:12 >>



  • Revelation 1:16
    He held seven stars in his right hand. Coming out of his mouth was a sharp sword with two edges. His face was like the sun shining in all its brightness.
  • Revelation 2:16
    So turn away from your sins! If you don’t, I will come to you soon. I will fight against those people with the sword that comes out of my mouth.
  • Hebrews 4:12
    The word of God is alive and active. It is sharper than any sword that has two edges. It cuts deep enough to separate soul from spirit. It can separate bones from joints. It judges the thoughts and purposes of the heart.
  • Revelation 19:21
    The rest were killed by the sword that came out of the rider’s mouth. All the birds stuffed themselves with the dead bodies.
  • Revelation 19:15
    Coming out of the rider’s mouth is a sharp sword. He will strike down the nations with the sword. Scripture says,“ He will rule them with an iron scepter.”( Psalm 2:9) He stomps on the grapes of God’s winepress. The winepress stands for the terrible anger of the God who rules over all.
  • Isaiah 11:4
    He will always do what is right when he judges those who are in need. He’ll be completely fair when he makes decisions about poor people. When he commands that people be punished, it will happen. When he orders that evil people be put to death, it will take place.
  • Revelation 1:11
    The voice said,“ Write on a scroll what you see. Send it to the seven churches in Asia Minor. They are Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia and Laodicea.”
  • Revelation 2:1
    “ Here is what I command you to write to the church in Ephesus. Here are the words of Jesus, who holds the seven stars in his right hand. He also walks among the seven golden lampstands. He says,