Psalms 132:11
The Lord made a promise to David. It is a firm promise that he will never break. He said,“ After you die, I will place one of your own sons on your throne.
Hebrews 6:17
So God gave his word when he made his promise. He wanted to make it very clear that his purpose does not change. He wanted those who would receive what was promised to know this.
Hebrews 6:13
When God made his promise to Abraham, God gave his word. There was no one greater than himself to promise by. So he promised by making an appeal to himself.
Titus 1:2
That belief and understanding lead to the hope of eternal life. Before time began, God promised to give that life. And he does not lie.
Psalms 110:4
The Lord has made a promise. He will not change his mind. He has said,“ You are a priest forever, just like Melchizedek.”
Amos 4:2
The Lord and King has made a promise by his own holy name. He says,“ You can be sure that the time will come when your enemies will put hooks in your faces. They will lead every one of you away with fishhooks.
2 Thessalonians 2 13
Brothers and sisters, we should always thank God for you. The Lord loves you. That’s because God chose you as the first to be saved. Salvation comes through the Holy Spirit’s work. He makes people holy. It also comes through believing the truth.
Amos 8:7
People of Jacob, you are proud that the Lord is your God. But he has made a promise in his own name. He says,“ I will never forget anything Israel has done.