<< Psalms 88:8 >>



  • Psalms 31:11
    My neighbors make fun of me because I have so many enemies. My closest friends are afraid of me. People who see me on the street run away from me.
  • Zechariah 11:8
    In one month I got rid of three worthless shepherds. The sheep hated me, and I got tired of them.
  • Jeremiah 32:2
    The armies of the king of Babylon were getting ready to attack Jerusalem. Jeremiah the prophet was being held as a prisoner. He was kept in the courtyard of the guard. It was part of Judah’s royal palace.
  • Isaiah 49:7
    The Lord sets his people free. He is the Holy One of Israel. He speaks to his servant, who is looked down on and hated by the nations. He speaks to the servant of rulers. He says to him,“ Kings will see you and stand up to honor you. Princes will see you and bow down to show you their respect. I am the Lord. I am faithful. I am the Holy One of Israel. I have chosen you.”
  • Job 19:13-19
    “ God has caused my family to desert me. The people I used to know are now strangers to me.My relatives have gone away. My closest friends have forgotten me.My guests and my female servants think of me as a stranger. They look at me as if I were an outsider.I send for my servant, but he doesn’t answer. He doesn’t come, even though I beg him to.My wife can’t stand the way my breath smells. My own family won’t have anything to do with me.Even little children mock me. When I appear, they make fun of me.All my close friends hate me. Those I love have turned against me.
  • John 11:57
    But the chief priests and the Pharisees had given orders. They had commanded anyone who found out where Jesus was staying to report it. Then they could arrest him.
  • Job 19:8
    God has blocked my way, and I can’t get through. He has made my paths so dark I can’t see where I’m going.
  • 1 Samuel 23 18-1 Samuel 23 20
    The two of them made a covenant of friendship in front of the Lord. Then Jonathan went home. But David remained at Horesh.The people of Ziph went up to Saul at Gibeah. They said,“ David is hiding among us. He’s hiding in places of safety at Horesh. Horesh is south of Jeshimon on the hill of Hakilah.Your Majesty, come down when it pleases you to come. It will be our duty to hand David over to you.”
  • Psalms 143:4
    So I grow weak. Deep down inside me, I’m afraid.
  • Psalms 88:18
    You have taken my friends and neighbors away from me. Darkness is my closest friend.
  • Lamentations 3:7-9
    He has built walls around me, so I can’t escape. He has put heavy chains on me.I call out and cry for help. But he won’t listen to me when I pray.He has put up a stone wall to block my way. He has made my paths crooked.
  • Job 30:10
    They hate me. They stay away from me. They even dare to spit in my face.
  • Job 12:14
    What he tears down can’t be rebuilt. The people he puts in prison can’t be set free.
  • Psalms 142:4
    Look and see that no one is on my right side to help me. No one is concerned about me. I have no place of safety. No one cares whether I live or die.
  • John 15:23-24
    Whoever hates me hates my Father also.I did works among them that no one else did. If I hadn’t, they would not be guilty of sin. But now they have seen those works. And still they have hated both me and my Father.
  • Matthew 27:21-25
    “ Which of the two do you want me to set free?” asked the governor.“ Barabbas,” they answered.“ Then what should I do with Jesus who is called the Messiah?” Pilate asked. They all answered,“ Crucify him!”“ Why? What wrong has he done?” asked Pilate. But they shouted even louder,“ Crucify him!”Pilate saw that he wasn’t getting anywhere. Instead, the crowd was starting to get angry. So he took water and washed his hands in front of them.“ I am not guilty of this man’s death,” he said.“ You are accountable for that!”All the people answered,“ Put the blame for his death on us and our children!”
  • Isaiah 63:3
    The Lord answers,“ I have been stomping on the nations as if they were grapes. No one was there to help me. I walked all over the nations because I was angry. That is why I stomped on them. Their blood splashed all over my clothes. So my clothes were stained bright red.