Psalms 64:10
The godly will rejoice in the Lord and find shelter in him. And those who do what is right will praise him.
1 Thessalonians 5 16
Always be joyful.
Psalms 100:1-2
Shout with joy to the Lord, all the earth!Worship the Lord with gladness. Come before him, singing with joy.
Revelation 18:20
Rejoice over her fate, O heaven and people of God and apostles and prophets! For at last God has judged her for your sakes.
Psalms 32:11-33:1
So rejoice in the Lord and be glad, all you who obey him! Shout for joy, all you whose hearts are pure!Let the godly sing for joy to the Lord; it is fitting for the pure to praise him.
Revelation 19:7
Let us be glad and rejoice, and let us give honor to him. For the time has come for the wedding feast of the Lamb, and his bride has prepared herself.
1 Peter 1 8
You love him even though you have never seen him. Though you do not see him now, you trust him; and you rejoice with a glorious, inexpressible joy.
Deuteronomy 12:12
“ You must celebrate there in the presence of the Lord your God with your sons and daughters and all your servants. And remember to include the Levites who live in your towns, for they will receive no allotment of land among you.
Psalms 98:8-9
Let the rivers clap their hands in glee! Let the hills sing out their songs of joybefore the Lord, for he is coming to judge the earth. He will judge the world with justice, and the nations with fairness.
Psalms 21:1
How the king rejoices in your strength, O Lord! He shouts with joy because you give him victory.
Psalms 95:1-2
Come, let us sing to the Lord! Let us shout joyfully to the Rock of our salvation.Let us come to him with thanksgiving. Let us sing psalms of praise to him.
Psalms 58:10
The godly will rejoice when they see injustice avenged. They will wash their feet in the blood of the wicked.
Psalms 97:12
May all who are godly rejoice in the Lord and praise his holy name!
Psalms 43:4
There I will go to the altar of God, to God— the source of all my joy. I will praise you with my harp, O God, my God!