Psalms 27:4
I’m asking the Lord for only one thing. Here is what I want. I want to live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life. I want to look at the beauty of the Lord. I want to worship him in his temple.
Psalms 105:4
Seek the Lord and the strength he gives. Always seek him.
Psalms 84:2-11
I can’t wait to be in the courtyards of the Lord’ s temple. I really want to be there. My whole being cries out for the living God.Lord who rules over all, even the sparrow has found a home near your altar. My King and my God, the swallow also has a nest there, where she may have her young.Blessed are those who live in your house. They are always praising you.Blessed are those whose strength comes from you. They have firmly decided to travel to your temple.As they pass through the dry Valley of Baka, they make it a place where water flows. The rain in the fall covers it with pools.Those people get stronger as they go along, until each of them appears in Zion, where God lives.Lord God who rules over all, hear my prayer. God of the people of Jacob, listen to me.God, may you be pleased with your anointed king. You appointed him to be like a shield that keeps us safe.A single day in your courtyards is better than a thousand anywhere else. I would rather guard the door of the house of my God than live in the tents of sinful people.The Lord God is like the sun that gives us light. He is like a shield that keeps us safe. The Lord blesses us with favor and honor. He doesn’t hold back anything good from those whose lives are without blame.
1 Chronicles 16 11
Look to the Lord and to his strength. Always look to him.
2 Corinthians 4 4-2 Corinthians 4 6
The god of this world has blinded the minds of those who don’t believe. They can’t see the light of the good news that makes Christ’s glory clear. Christ is the likeness of God.The message we preach is not about ourselves. Our message is about Jesus Christ. We say that he is Lord. And we say that we serve you because of Jesus.God said,“ Let light shine out of darkness.”( Genesis 1:3) He made his light shine in our hearts. His light gives us the light to know God’s glory. His glory is shown in the face of Christ.
Psalms 78:61
He allowed the ark to be captured. Into the hands of his enemies he sent the ark where his glory rested.
Psalms 73:17-18
It troubled me until I entered God’s temple. Then I understood what will finally happen to bad people.God, I’m sure you will make them slip and fall. You will throw them down and destroy them.
Psalms 68:24
God, those who worship you come marching into view. My God and King, those who follow you have entered the sacred tent.
Isaiah 60:13
“ Lebanon’s glorious trees will be brought to you. Its junipers, firs and cypress trees will be brought. They will be used to make my temple beautiful. And I will bring glory to the place where my throne is.
Psalms 134:2
Lift up your hands in the temple and praise the Lord.
1 Samuel 4 21-1 Samuel 4 22
She named the boy Ichabod. She said,“ The God of glory has left Israel.” She said it because the ark of God had been captured. She also said it because her father- in- law and her husband had died.She said,“ The God of glory has left Israel.” She said it because the ark of God had been captured.
Psalms 145:11
They tell about your glorious kingdom. They speak about your power.
Psalms 77:13-14
God, everything you do is holy. What god is as great as our God?You are the God who does miracles. You show your power among the nations.
Psalms 96:6
Glory and majesty are all around him. Strength and glory can be seen in his temple.
Exodus 33:18-19
Then Moses said,“ Now show me your glory.”The Lord said,“ I will make all my goodness pass in front of you. And I will announce my name, the Lord, in front of you. I will have mercy on whom I have mercy. And I will show love to those I love.