<< Psalms 58:9 >>



  • Psalms 118:12
    They attacked me like swarms of bees. But they were burned up as quickly as thorns in a fire. By the Lord’ s power I destroyed them.
  • Proverbs 10:25
    When the storm is over, sinners are gone. But those who do right stand firm forever.
  • Ecclesiastes 7:6
    A foolish person’s laughter is like the crackling of thorns burning under a pot. That doesn’t have any meaning either.
  • Isaiah 17:13
    They sound like the roar of rushing waters. But when the Lord speaks out against them, they run far away. The wind blows them away like straw on the hills. A strong wind drives them along like tumbleweeds.
  • Isaiah 40:24
    They are planted. They are scattered like seeds. They put down roots in the ground. But as soon as that happens, God blows on them and they dry up. Then a windstorm sweeps them away like straw.
  • Jeremiah 23:19
    A storm will burst out because of my great anger. A windstorm will sweep down on the heads of sinful people.
  • Numbers 16:30
    But the Lord will make something totally new happen. The ground will open its mouth and swallow them up. It will swallow up everything that belongs to them. They will be buried alive. When that happens, you will know that these men have disrespected the Lord.”
  • Job 27:21
    The east wind carries them off, and they are gone. It sweeps them out of their houses.
  • Proverbs 1:27
    I will laugh when hard times hit you like a storm. I will laugh when danger comes your way like a windstorm. I will make fun of you when suffering and trouble come.
  • Psalms 55:23
    God, you will bring sinners down to the grave. Murderers and liars won’t live out even half of their lives. But I trust in you.
  • Psalms 10:5
    Everything always goes well for him. So he is proud. He doesn’t want to have anything to do with God’s laws. He makes fun of all his enemies.
  • Proverbs 14:32
    When trouble comes, sinners are brought down. But godly people seek safety in God even as they die.
  • Psalms 73:18-20
    God, I’m sure you will make them slip and fall. You will throw them down and destroy them.It will happen very suddenly. A terrible death will take them away completely.A dream goes away when a person wakes up. Lord, it will be like that when you rise up. It will be as if those people were only a dream.
  • Job 18:18
    They are driven from light into the place of darkness. They are thrown out of the world.
  • Job 20:5-29
    Those who are evil are happy for only a short time. The joy of ungodly people lasts only for a moment.Their pride might reach all the way up to the heavens. Their heads might touch the clouds.But they will disappear forever, like the waste from their own bodies. Anyone who has seen them will say,‘ Where did they go?’Like a dream they will fly away. They will never be seen again. They will be driven away like visions in the night.The eyes that saw them won’t see them anymore. Even their own families won’t remember them.Their children must pay back what they took from poor people. Their own hands must give back the wealth they stole.They might feel young and very strong. But they will soon lie down in the dust of their graves.“ Anything that is evil tastes sweet to them. They keep it under their tongues for a while.They can’t stand to let it go. So they hold it in their mouths.But their food will turn sour in their stomachs. It will become like the poison of a serpent inside them.They will spit out the rich food they swallowed. God will make their stomachs throw it up.They will suck the poison of a serpent. The fangs of an adder will kill them.They won’t enjoy streams that flow with honey. They won’t enjoy rivers that flow with cream.What they worked for they must give back before they can eat it. They won’t enjoy what they have earned.They’ve crushed poor people and left them with nothing. They’ve taken over houses they didn’t even build.“ No matter how much they have, they always long for more. But their treasure can’t save them.There isn’t anything left for them to eat up. Their success won’t last.While they are enjoying the good life, trouble will catch up with them. Terrible suffering will come on them.When they’ve filled their stomachs, God will pour out his great anger on them. He’ll strike them down with blow after blow.They might run away from iron weapons. But arrows that have bronze tips will wound them.They will pull the arrows out of their backs. They will remove the shining tips from their livers. They will be filled with terror.Total darkness hides and waits for their treasures. God will send a fire that will destroy them. It will burn up everything that’s left in their tents.Heaven will show their guilt to everyone. The earth will be a witness against them.A flood will carry their houses away. Rushing water will wash them away on the day when God judges.Now you know what God will do to sinful people. Now you know what he has planned for them.”
  • Psalms 10:2
    An evil person is proud and hunts down those who are weak. He catches weak people by making clever plans.