Hebrews 13:15
So let us never stop offering to God our praise through Jesus. Let us talk openly about our faith in him. Then our words will be like an offering to God.
Psalms 56:12
God, I have made promises to you. I will bring my thank offerings to you.
Deuteronomy 23:21
Don’t put off giving to the Lord your God everything you promise him. He will certainly require it from you. And you will be guilty of committing a sin.
Hosea 14:2
Tell the Lord you are turning away from your sins. Return to him. Say to him,“ Forgive us for all our sins. Please be kind to us. Welcome us back to you. Then our lips will offer you our praise.
Psalms 116:12-14
The Lord has been so good to me! How can I ever pay him back?I will bring an offering of wine to the Lord and thank him for saving me. I will worship him.In front of all the Lord’ s people, I will do what I promised him.
Psalms 76:11
Make promises to the Lord your God and keep them. Let all the neighboring nations bring gifts to the God who should be respected.
Psalms 107:21-22
Let them give thanks to the Lord for his faithful love. Let them give thanks for the wonderful things he does for people.Let them sacrifice thank offerings. Let them talk about what he has done as they sing with joy.
1 Peter 2 5
You also are like living stones. As you come to Christ, you are being built into a house for worship. There you will be holy priests. You will offer spiritual sacrifices. God will accept them because of what Jesus Christ has done.
Nahum 1:15
Look at the mountains of Judah! I see a messenger running to bring good news! He’s telling us that peace has come! People of Judah, celebrate your feasts. Carry out your promises. The evil Assyrians won’t attack you again. They’ll be completely destroyed.
1 Thessalonians 5 18
Give thanks no matter what happens. God wants you to thank him because you believe in Christ Jesus.
1 Peter 2 9
But God chose you to be his people. You are royal priests. You are a holy nation. You are God’s special treasure. You are all these things so that you can give him praise. God brought you out of darkness into his wonderful light.
Romans 12:1
Brothers and sisters, God has shown you his mercy. So I am asking you to offer up your bodies to him while you are still alive. Your bodies are a holy sacrifice that is pleasing to God. When you offer your bodies to God, you are worshiping him in the right way.
Numbers 30:2-16
Suppose a man makes a special promise to the Lord. Or suppose he gives his word to do something. Then he must keep his promise. He must do everything he said he would do.“ Suppose a young woman is still living in her father’s house. She makes a special promise to the Lord. Or she gives her word to do something.Suppose her father hears about her promise. And he doesn’t say anything to her about it. Then she must keep her promise. She must do what she agreed to do.But suppose her father doesn’t allow her to keep her promises when he hears about them. Then she doesn’t have to do what she promised or agreed to do. The Lord will set her free. He’ll do it because her father hasn’t allowed her to keep her promises.“ Suppose she gets married after she makes a special promise. Or she gets married after agreeing to do something without thinking it through.Suppose her husband hears about what she did. And he doesn’t say anything to her about it. Then she must keep her promise. She must do what she agreed to do.But suppose her husband doesn’t allow her to keep her promises when he hears about them. Then she doesn’t have to do what she promised. She doesn’t have to do what she agreed to do without thinking it through. The Lord will set her free.“ Suppose a widow makes a special promise. Or suppose she gives her word to do something. Then she must keep her promise. She must do what she agreed to do. The same rules apply to a woman who has been divorced.“ Suppose a woman living with her husband makes a special promise. Or she gives her word to do something.Suppose her husband hears about what she did. He doesn’t say anything to her about it. And he doesn’t try to stop her from keeping her promises. Then she must keep all of them. She must do what she agreed to do.But suppose her husband doesn’t allow her to keep her promises when he hears about them. Then she doesn’t have to do what she promised. She doesn’t have to do what she agreed to do. Her husband has kept her from doing what she said she would do. The Lord will set her free.Her husband can let her keep any special promise she makes. Or he can refuse to let her keep it. Suppose she gives her word not to eat anything. Then her husband can let her keep her promise. Or he can refuse to let her keep it.But suppose day after day her husband doesn’t say anything to her about what she did. Then he lets her keep all her promises. He lets her do everything she agreed to do. That’s because he didn’t say anything to her when he heard about what she had done.But suppose some time after he hears about her promises he doesn’t let her keep them. Then she will be guilty. But he will bear the consequences for her guilt.”These are the rules the Lord gave Moses about a man and his wife. And these are the rules the Lord gave about a father and his young daughter still living at home.
Psalms 69:30-31
I will praise God’s name by singing to him. I will bring him glory by giving him thanks.That will please the Lord more than offering him an ox. It will please him more than offering him a bull with its horns and hooves.
Psalms 50:23
People who sacrifice thank offerings to me honor me. To those who are without blame I will show my power to save.”
Psalms 65:1
Our God, we look forward to praising you in Zion. We will keep our promises to you.
Psalms 116:17-18
Lord, I will sacrifice a thank offering to you. I will worship you.In front of all the Lord’ s people, I will do what I promised him.
Leviticus 27:2-34
“ Speak to the Israelites. Tell them,‘ Suppose someone makes a special promise to set a person apart to serve the Lord. Here is how much it will cost to set that person free from the promise to serve.The cost for a male between the ages of twenty and sixty is 20 ounces of silver. It must be weighed out in keeping with the standard weights that are used in the sacred tent.The cost for a female of the same age is 12 ounces of silver.The cost for a male between the ages of five and twenty is 8 ounces of silver. The cost for a female of the same age is 4 ounces of silver.The cost for a male between the ages of one month and five years is 2 ounces of silver. The cost for a female of the same age is 1 ounce of silver.The cost for a male who is sixty years old or more is 6 ounces of silver. The cost for a female of the same age is 4 ounces of silver.But suppose the one who makes the special promise is too poor to pay the required amount. Then they must bring to the priest the person who will be set free. The priest will decide the right value for that person. It will be based on how much the one who makes the promise can afford.“‘ Suppose what they promised is an animal that the Lord will accept as an offering. Then the animal given to the Lord becomes holy.The one who makes the promise must not trade it. They must not trade a good animal for a bad one. And they must not trade a bad animal for a good one. Suppose they choose one animal instead of another. Then both animals become holy.Suppose the animal they promised is not“ clean.” Suppose the Lord will not accept it as an offering. Then the animal must be brought to the priest.He will decide whether it is good or bad. Its value will be what he decides it will be.Suppose the owner wants to buy the animal back. Then a fifth must be added to its cost.“‘ Suppose someone sets apart their house as something holy to the Lord. Then the priest will decide whether it is good or bad. Its value will remain what he decides it will be.Suppose the person sets apart their house. And suppose later they want to buy it back. Then they must add a fifth to its value. The house will belong to them again.“‘ Suppose someone sets apart a piece of their family’s land to the Lord. Then here is how its value must be decided. It must be based on the number of seeds that are required to grow a full crop on it. That value will be 20 ounces of silver for every 300 pounds of barley seeds.Suppose they set apart their field during the Year of Jubilee. Then the value that has been decided will not be changed.But suppose they set apart their field after the Year of Jubilee. Then here is how the priest will decide its value. It will be based on the number of years that are left until the next Year of Jubilee. The value decided will be reduced.Suppose the one who set apart their field wants to buy it back. Then they must add a fifth to its value. The field will belong to them again.But suppose they do not buy back the field. Instead, suppose they sell it to someone else. Then they can never buy it back.When the field is set free in the Year of Jubilee, it will become holy. It will be like a field set apart to the Lord. It will become the property of the priests.“‘ Suppose someone sets apart to the Lord a field they have bought. And suppose it is not part of their family’s land.Then here is how the priest will decide its value. It will be based on the number of years that are left until the Year of Jubilee. The owner must pay that value on the day it is decided. The money is holy. It is set apart for the Lord.In the Year of Jubilee the field will go back to the person it was bought from. That person is the one who had owned the land before.Every amount of money must be weighed out in keeping with the standard weights used in the sacred tent.“‘ But no one can set apart the first male animal born to its mother. That animal already belongs to the Lord. It does not matter whether it is an ox or a sheep. It belongs to the Lord.Suppose it is an“ unclean” animal. Then the owner may buy it back at the value that has been decided. And they must add a fifth to its value. But suppose it is not bought back. Then it must be sold at the value that has been decided.“‘ But nothing a person owns and sets apart to the Lord can be sold or bought back. It does not matter whether it is a human being or an animal or a family’s land. Everything set apart to the Lord is very holy to him.“‘ No one set apart in a special way to be destroyed can be bought back. They must be put to death.“‘ A tenth of everything the land produces belongs to the Lord. That includes grain from the soil and fruit from the trees. It is holy. It is set apart for him.Suppose someone wants to buy back some of their tenth. Then they must add a fifth of the cost to it.Every tenth part of herds and flocks will be holy. They will be set apart for the Lord. That includes every tenth animal that its shepherd marks with his wooden staff.No one may pick out the good animals from the bad. They must not choose one animal instead of another. But if anyone does, both animals become holy. They can’t be bought back.’ ”The Lord gave Moses all these commands on Mount Sinai for the Israelites.
Psalms 27:6
Then I will win the battle over my enemies who are all around me. At his holy tent I will offer my sacrifice with shouts of joy. I will sing and make music to the Lord.
Psalms 147:1
Praise the Lord. How good it is to sing praises to our God! How pleasant and right it is to praise him!
Psalms 22:25
Because of what you have done, I will praise you in the whole community of those who worship you. In front of those who respect you, I will keep my promises.
Ecclesiastes 5:4-5
When you make a promise to God, don’t wait too long to carry it out. He isn’t pleased with foolish people. So do what you have promised.It is not good to make a promise and not keep it. It is better to make no promise at all.
Psalms 61:8
Then I will always sing praise to you. I will keep my promises day after day.