“ The Lord created me as the first of his works, before his acts of long ago.I was formed a long, long time ago. I was formed at the very beginning, when the world was created.Before there were any oceans, I was born. It was before there were springs flowing with water.Before the mountains were settled in place, I was born. Before there were any hills, I was born.It happened before the Lord made the world and its fields. It was before he made the dust of the earth.I was there when he set the heavens in place. When he marked out the place where the sky meets the sea, I was there.That was when he put the clouds above. It was when he fixed the ocean springs in place.It was when he set limits for the sea so that the waters had to obey his command. When the Lord marked out the foundations of the earth, I was there.
By wisdom the Lord laid the earth’s foundations. Through understanding he set the heavens in place.By his knowledge the seas were separated, and the clouds dropped their dew.