<< Proverbs 31:10 >>



  • Proverbs 19:14
    House and riches are an inheritance from fathers; But a prudent wife is from Jehovah.
  • Proverbs 12:4
    A worthy woman is the crown of her husband; But she that maketh ashamed is as rottenness in his bones.
  • Proverbs 18:22
    Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, And obtaineth favor of Jehovah.
  • Ephesians 5:25-33
    Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself up for it;that he might sanctify it, having cleansed it by the washing of water with the word,that he might present the church to himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish.Even so ought husbands also to love their own wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his own wife loveth himself:for no man ever hated his own flesh; but nourisheth and cherisheth it, even as Christ also the church;because we are members of his body.For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife; and the two shall become one flesh.This mystery is great: but I speak in regard of Christ and of the church.Nevertheless do ye also severally love each one his own wife even as himself; and let the wife see that she fear her husband.
  • Proverbs 3:15
    She is more precious than rubies: And none of the things thou canst desire are to be compared unto her.
  • Ruth 3:11
    And now, my daughter, fear not; I will do to thee all that thou sayest; for all the city of my people doth know that thou art a worthy woman.
  • Song of Solomon 6 8-Song of Solomon 6 9
    There are threescore queens, and fourscore concubines, And virgins without number.My dove, my undefiled, is but one; She is the only one of her mother; She is the choice one of her that bare her. The daughters saw her, and called her blessed; Yea, the queens and the concubines, and they praised her.
  • Proverbs 20:15
    There is gold, and abundance of rubies; But the lips of knowledge are a precious jewel.
  • Proverbs 8:11
    For wisdom is better than rubies; And all the things that may be desired are not to be compared unto it.
  • Job 28:18
    No mention shall be made of coral or of crystal: Yea, the price of wisdom is above rubies.
  • Ecclesiastes 7:28
    which my soul still seeketh, but I have not found: one man among a thousand have I found; but a woman among all those have I not found.