Proverbs 30:17
“ The eye that mocks at his father, and scorns obedience to his mother: the ravens of the valley shall pick it out, the young eagles shall eat it.
Proverbs 17:2
A servant who deals wisely will rule over a son who causes shame, and shall have a part in the inheritance among the brothers.
Proverbs 10:5
He who gathers in summer is a wise son, but he who sleeps during the harvest is a son who causes shame.
Luke 15:30
But when this your son came, who has devoured your living with prostitutes, you killed the fattened calf for him.’
Proverbs 28:14
Blessed is the man who always fears; but one who hardens his heart falls into trouble.
Proverbs 28:24
Whoever robs his father or his mother and says,“ It’s not wrong,” is a partner with a destroyer.
Deuteronomy 21:18-21
If a man has a stubborn and rebellious son who will not obey the voice of his father or the voice of his mother, and though they chasten him, will not listen to them,then his father and his mother shall take hold of him and bring him out to the elders of his city and to the gate of his place.They shall tell the elders of his city,“ This our son is stubborn and rebellious. He will not obey our voice. He is a glutton and a drunkard.”All the men of his city shall stone him to death with stones. So you shall remove the evil from among you. All Israel shall hear, and fear.
Proverbs 17:25
A foolish son brings grief to his father, and bitterness to her who bore him.
Proverbs 23:22-25
Listen to your father who gave you life, and don’t despise your mother when she is old.Buy the truth, and don’t sell it. Get wisdom, discipline, and understanding.The father of the righteous has great joy. Whoever fathers a wise child delights in him.Let your father and your mother be glad! Let her who bore you rejoice!
Proverbs 28:7
Whoever keeps the law is a wise son; but he who is a companion of gluttons shames his father.
Proverbs 10:1
The proverbs of Solomon. A wise son makes a glad father; but a foolish son brings grief to his mother.
Luke 15:12-16
The younger of them said to his father,‘ Father, give me my share of your property.’ He divided his livelihood between them.Not many days after, the younger son gathered all of this together and traveled into a far country. There he wasted his property with riotous living.When he had spent all of it, there arose a severe famine in that country, and he began to be in need.He went and joined himself to one of the citizens of that country, and he sent him into his fields to feed pigs.He wanted to fill his belly with the husks that the pigs ate, but no one gave him any.
Proverbs 30:11
There is a generation that curses their father, and doesn’t bless their mother.