Isaiah 48:10
Look, I have refined you, but not as silver; I have tested you in the furnace of affliction.
Jeremiah 17:10
I, the LORD, examine the mind, I test the heart to give to each according to his way, according to what his actions deserve.
Psalms 26:2
Test me, LORD, and try me; examine my heart and mind.
Proverbs 27:21
As a crucible refines silver, and a smelter refines gold, so a person should refine his praise.
1 Chronicles 29 17
I know, my God, that you test the heart and that you are pleased with what is right. I have willingly given all these things with an upright heart, and now I have seen your people who are present here giving joyfully and willingly to you.
1 Peter 1 7
so that the proven character of your faith— more valuable than gold which, though perishable, is refined by fire— may result in praise, glory, and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ.
Psalms 66:10
For you, God, tested us; you refined us as silver is refined.
Zechariah 13:9
I will put this third through the fire; I will refine them as silver is refined and test them as gold is tested. They will call on my name, and I will answer them. I will say,‘ They are my people,’ and they will say,‘ The LORD is our God.’”
Malachi 3:2-3
But who can endure the day of his coming? And who will be able to stand when he appears? For he will be like a refiner’s fire and like launderer’s bleach.He will be like a refiner and purifier of silver; he will purify the sons of Levi and refine them like gold and silver. Then they will present offerings to the LORD in righteousness.
Revelation 2:23
I will strike her children dead. Then all the churches will know that I am the one who examines minds and hearts, and I will give to each of you according to your works.