Proverbs 14:29
People with understanding control their anger; a hot temper shows great foolishness.
Proverbs 29:22
An angry person starts fights; a hot tempered person commits all kinds of sin.
James 1:19
Understand this, my dear brothers and sisters: You must all be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry.
Ecclesiastes 7:9
Control your temper, for anger labels you a fool.
Proverbs 15:18
A hot tempered person starts fights; a cool tempered person stops them.
Proverbs 16:32
Better to be patient than powerful; better to have self control than to conquer a city.
Proverbs 6:18
a heart that plots evil, feet that race to do wrong,
Proverbs 22:24
Don’t befriend angry people or associate with hot tempered people,
Esther 3:6
He had learned of Mordecai’s nationality, so he decided it was not enough to lay hands on Mordecai alone. Instead, he looked for a way to destroy all the Jews throughout the entire empire of Xerxes.
Jeremiah 5:26-29
“ Among my people are wicked men who lie in wait for victims like a hunter hiding in a blind. They continually set traps to catch people.Like a cage filled with birds, their homes are filled with evil plots. And now they are great and rich.They are fat and sleek, and there is no limit to their wicked deeds. They refuse to provide justice to orphans and deny the rights of the poor.Should I not punish them for this?” says the Lord.“ Should I not avenge myself against such a nation?
Proverbs 12:2
The Lord approves of those who are good, but he condemns those who plan wickedness.
Esther 7:5-6
“ Who would do such a thing?” King Xerxes demanded.“ Who would be so presumptuous as to touch you?”Esther replied,“ This wicked Haman is our adversary and our enemy.” Haman grew pale with fright before the king and queen.
Isaiah 32:7
The smooth tricks of scoundrels are evil. They plot crooked schemes. They lie to convict the poor, even when the cause of the poor is just.
Proverbs 12:16
A fool is quick tempered, but a wise person stays calm when insulted.