John 16:22
So you also have sorrow now. But I will see you again. Your hearts will rejoice, and no one will take away your joy from you.
Proverbs 13:19
Desire fulfilled is sweet to the taste, but to turn from evil is detestable to fools.
Proverbs 3:18
She is a tree of life to those who embrace her, and those who hold on to her are happy.
Psalms 17:15
But I will see your face in righteousness; when I awake, I will be satisfied with your presence.
Psalms 40:2-3
He brought me up from a desolate pit, out of the muddy clay, and set my feet on a rock, making my steps secure.He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see and fear, and they will trust in the LORD.
Psalms 143:7
Answer me quickly, LORD; my spirit fails. Don’t hide your face from me, or I will be like those going down to the Pit.
Psalms 119:81-83
I long for your salvation; I put my hope in your word.My eyes grow weary looking for what you have promised; I ask,“ When will you comfort me?”Though I have become like a wineskin dried by smoke, I do not forget your statutes.
Psalms 69:3
I am weary from my crying; my throat is parched. My eyes fail, looking for my God.
Proverbs 11:30
The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life, but a cunning person takes lives.
1 Samuel 1 26-1 Samuel 1 28
“ Please, my lord,” she said,“ as surely as you live, my lord, I am the woman who stood here beside you praying to the LORD.I prayed for this boy, and since the LORD gave me what I asked him for,I now give the boy to the LORD. For as long as he lives, he is given to the LORD.” Then he worshiped the LORD there.
Genesis 46:30
Then Israel said to Joseph,“ I’m ready to die now because I have seen your face and you are still alive!”
Genesis 21:6-7
Sarah said,“ God has made me laugh, and everyone who hears will laugh with me.”She also said,“ Who would have told Abraham that Sarah would nurse children? Yet I have borne a son for him in his old age.”
Song of Solomon 5 8
Young women of Jerusalem, I charge you, if you find my love, tell him that I am lovesick.
Luke 2:29-30
Now, Master, you can dismiss your servant in peace, as you promised.For my eyes have seen your salvation.
Revelation 22:2
down the middle of the city’s main street. The tree of life was on each side of the river, bearing twelve kinds of fruit, producing its fruit every month. The leaves of the tree are for healing the nations,
Psalms 42:1-3
As a deer longs for flowing streams, so I long for you, God.I thirst for God, the living God. When can I come and appear before God?My tears have been my food day and night, while all day long people say to me,“ Where is your God?”