Their silver and gold won’t save them on the day the Lord pours out his anger. The whole earth will be burned up when his jealous anger blazes out. Everyone who lives on earth will come to a sudden end.”
“‘ They will throw their silver into the streets. They will treat their gold like an“ unclean” thing. Their silver and gold won’t be able to save them on the day I pour out my anger. It will not be able to satisfy their hunger. Their stomachs can’t be filled with it. Their silver and gold have tripped them up. It has made them fall into sin.
One man sinned, and death ruled over all people because of his sin. What will happen is even more sure than this. Those who receive the rich supply of God’s grace will rule with Christ. They will rule in his kingdom. They have received God’s gift and have been made right with him. This will happen because of what the one man, Jesus Christ, has done.
They trust in their wealth. They brag about how rich they are.No one can pay for the life of anyone else. No one can give God what that would cost.The price for a life is very high. No payment is ever enough.
Be careful that no one tempts you with riches. Don’t take money from people who want special favors, no matter how much it is.Can your wealth keep you out of trouble? Can all your mighty efforts keep you going?