Joshua 1:16-18
Then they answered Joshua,“ Whatever you have commanded us we will do, and wherever you send us we will go.Just as we fully obeyed Moses, so we will obey you. Only may the Lord your God be with you as he was with Moses.Whoever rebels against your word and does not obey it, whatever you may command them, will be put to death. Only be strong and courageous!”
1 Samuel 10 9
As Saul turned to leave Samuel, God changed Saul’s heart, and all these signs were fulfilled that day.
Numbers 11:28-29
Joshua son of Nun, who had been Moses’ aide since youth, spoke up and said,“ Moses, my lord, stop them!”But Moses replied,“ Are you jealous for my sake? I wish that all the Lord’s people were prophets and that the Lord would put his Spirit on them!”
1 Chronicles 29 23
So Solomon sat on the throne of the Lord as king in place of his father David. He prospered and all Israel obeyed him.
2 Kings 2 9-2 Kings 2 10
When they had crossed, Elijah said to Elisha,“ Tell me, what can I do for you before I am taken from you?”“ Let me inherit a double portion of your spirit,” Elisha replied.“ You have asked a difficult thing,” Elijah said,“ yet if you see me when I am taken from you, it will be yours— otherwise, it will not.”
1 Samuel 10 6
The Spirit of the Lord will come powerfully upon you, and you will prophesy with them; and you will be changed into a different person.
1 Chronicles 29 25
The Lord highly exalted Solomon in the sight of all Israel and bestowed on him royal splendor such as no king over Israel ever had before.
2 Kings 2 15
The company of the prophets from Jericho, who were watching, said,“ The spirit of Elijah is resting on Elisha.” And they went to meet him and bowed to the ground before him.
Numbers 11:17
I will come down and speak with you there, and I will take some of the power of the Spirit that is on you and put it on them. They will share the burden of the people with you so that you will not have to carry it alone.