<< Mark 8:28 >>



  • John 1:21
    So they asked him,“ Then who are you? Are you Elijah?” He said,“ I am not!”“ Are you the Prophet?” He answered,“ No!”
  • Mark 9:11-13
    Then they asked him,“ Why do the experts in the law say that Elijah must come first?”He said to them,“ Elijah does indeed come first, and restores all things. And why is it written that the Son of Man must suffer many things and be despised?But I tell you that Elijah has certainly come, and they did to him whatever they wanted, just as it is written about him.”
  • Malachi 4:5
    Look, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the great and terrible day of the LORD arrives.
  • Matthew 14:2
    and he said to his servants,“ This is John the Baptist. He has been raised from the dead! And because of this, miraculous powers are at work in him.”
  • Luke 9:7-9
    Now Herod the tetrarch heard about everything that was happening, and he was thoroughly perplexed, because some people were saying that John had been raised from the dead,while others were saying that Elijah had appeared, and still others that one of the prophets of long ago had risen.Herod said,“ I had John beheaded, but who is this about whom I hear such things?” So Herod wanted to learn about Jesus.
  • Matthew 16:14
    They answered,“ Some say John the Baptist, others Elijah, and others Jeremiah or one of the prophets.”
  • Mark 6:14-16
    Now King Herod heard this, for Jesus’ name had become known. Some were saying,“ John the baptizer has been raised from the dead, and because of this, miraculous powers are at work in him.”Others said,“ He is Elijah.” Others said,“ He is a prophet, like one of the prophets from the past.”But when Herod heard this, he said,“ John, whom I beheaded, has been raised!”