<< Mark 5:9 >>



  • Luke 8:30
    And Jesus asked him,“ What is your name?” And he said,“ Legion”; because many demons had entered him.
  • Matthew 26:53
    Or do you think that I cannot appeal to My Father, and He will at once put at My disposal more than twelve legions of angels?
  • Mark 5:15
    And then they* came to Jesus and* saw the man who had been demon possessed sitting down, clothed and in his right mind, the very man who had previously had the“ legion”; and they became frightened.
  • Luke 11:21-26
    When a strong man, fully armed, guards his own house, his possessions are secure.But when someone stronger than he attacks him and overpowers him, that man takes away his armor on which he had relied and distributes his plunder.The one who is not with Me is against Me; and the one who does not gather with Me scatters.“ When the unclean spirit comes out of a person, it passes through waterless places seeking rest, and not finding any, it then says,‘ I will return to my house from which I came.’And when it comes, it finds it swept and put in order.Then it goes and brings along seven other spirits more evil than itself, and they come in and live there; and the last condition of that person becomes worse than the first.”
  • Matthew 12:45
    Then it goes and brings along with it seven other spirits more wicked than itself, and they come in and live there; and the last condition of that person becomes worse than the first. That is the way it will also be with this evil generation.”