<< Mark 16:5 >>



  • John 20:11-12
    But Mary stood outside the tomb crying. As she cried, she bent over to look into the tomb.She saw two angels dressed in white. They were seated where Jesus’ body had been. One of them was where Jesus’ head had been laid. The other sat where his feet had been placed.
  • Matthew 28:3
    His body shone like lightning. His clothes were as white as snow.
  • Luke 1:29-30
    Mary was very upset because of his words. She wondered what kind of greeting this could be.But the angel said to her,“ Do not be afraid, Mary. God is very pleased with you.
  • Mark 9:15
    When all the people saw Jesus, they were filled with wonder. And they ran to greet him.
  • Luke 1:12
    When Zechariah saw him, he was amazed and terrified.
  • John 20:8
    The disciple who had reached the tomb first also went inside. He saw and believed.
  • Mark 6:49-50
    they saw him walking on the lake. They thought he was a ghost, so they cried out.They all saw him and were terrified. Right away Jesus said to them,“ Be brave! It is I. Don’t be afraid.”
  • Luke 24:3-5
    When they entered the tomb, they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus.They were wondering about this. Suddenly two men in clothes as bright as lightning stood beside them.The women were terrified. They bowed down with their faces to the ground. Then the men said to them,“ Why do you look for the living among the dead?
  • Daniel 10:12
    He continued,“ Do not be afraid, Daniel. You decided to get more understanding. You made yourself humble as you worshiped your God. Since the first day you did those things, your words were heard. I have come to give you an answer.
  • Daniel 10:5-9
    I looked up and saw a man dressed in linen clothes. He had a belt around his waist. It was made out of fine gold from Uphaz.His body gleamed like topaz. His face shone like lightning. His eyes were like flaming torches. His arms and legs were as bright as polished bronze. And his voice was like the sound of a large crowd.I was the only one who saw the vision. The people who were there with me didn’t see it. But they were so terrified that they ran and hid.So I was left alone as I was watching this great vision. I felt very weak. My face turned as pale as death. And I was helpless.Then I heard the man speak. As I listened to him, I fell sound asleep. My face was toward the ground.
  • Daniel 8:17
    Gabriel came close to where I was standing. I was terrified and fell down flat with my face toward the ground. Here is what he said to me.“ Son of man, I want you to understand the vision. It’s about the time of the end.”