<< Mark 10:37 >>



  • Matthew 19:28
    “ What I’m about to tell you is true,” Jesus said to them.“ When all things are made new, the Son of Man will sit on his glorious throne. Then you who have followed me will also sit on 12 thrones. You will judge the 12 tribes of Israel.
  • Psalms 110:1
    The Lord says to my lord,“ Sit at my right hand until I put your enemies under your control.”
  • Mark 16:19
    When the Lord Jesus finished speaking to them, he was taken up into heaven. He sat down at the right hand of God.
  • 1 Peter 1 11
    They wanted to find out when and how this salvation would come. The Spirit of Christ in them was telling them about the sufferings of the Messiah. These were his sufferings that were going to come. The Spirit of Christ was also telling them about the glory that would follow.
  • 1 Kings 22 19
    Micaiah continued,“ Listen to the Lord’ s message. I saw the Lord sitting on his throne. All the angels of heaven were standing around him. Some were standing at his right side. The others were standing at his left side.
  • Mark 8:38
    Suppose anyone is ashamed of me and my words among these adulterous and sinful people. Then the Son of Man will be ashamed of them when he comes in his Father’s glory with the holy angels.”
  • Matthew 25:31
    “ The Son of Man will come in all his glory. All the angels will come with him. Then he will sit in glory on his throne.
  • Luke 24:26
    Didn’t the Messiah have to suffer these things and then receive his glory?”
  • Psalms 45:9
    Daughters of kings are among the women you honor. At your right hand is the royal bride dressed in gold from Ophir.