<< Mark 10:34 >>



  • Matthew 26:67
    Then they spit in his face. They hit him with their fists. Others slapped him.
  • Mark 14:65
    Then some began to spit at him. They blindfolded him. They hit him with their fists. They said,“ Prophesy!” And the guards took him and beat him.
  • Matthew 16:21
    From that time on Jesus began to explain to his disciples what would happen to him. He told them he must go to Jerusalem. There he must suffer many things from the elders, the chief priests and the teachers of the law. He must be killed and on the third day rise to life again.
  • Psalms 16:10
    You will not leave me in the place of the dead. You will not let your faithful one rot away.
  • John 2:10
    He said to him,“ Everyone brings out the best wine first. They bring out the cheaper wine after the guests have had too much to drink. But you have saved the best until now.”
  • Isaiah 53:3
    People looked down on him. They didn’t accept him. He knew all about pain and suffering. He was like someone people turn their faces away from. We looked down on him. We didn’t have any respect for him.
  • Luke 22:63-65
    There were men guarding Jesus. They began laughing at him and beating him.They blindfolded him. They said,“ Prophesy! Who hit you?”They also said many other things to make fun of him.
  • Mark 15:17-20
    The soldiers put a purple robe on Jesus. Then they twisted thorns together to make a crown. They placed it on his head.They began to call out to him,“ We honor you, king of the Jews!”Again and again they hit him on the head with a stick. They spit on him. They fell on their knees and pretended to honor him.After they had made fun of him, they took off the purple robe. They put his own clothes back on him. Then they led him out to nail him to a cross.
  • Job 30:10
    They hate me. They stay away from me. They even dare to spit in my face.
  • Isaiah 50:6
    I let my enemies beat me on my bare back. I let them pull the hair out of my beard. I didn’t turn my face away when they made fun of me and spit on me.
  • Hosea 6:2
    After two days he will give us new life. On the third day he’ll make us like new again. Then we will enjoy his blessing.
  • Psalms 22:6-8
    Everyone treats me like a worm and not a man. They hate me and look down on me.All those who see me laugh at me. They shout at me and make fun of me. They shake their heads at me.They say,“ He trusts in the Lord. Let the Lord help him. If the Lord is pleased with him, let him save him.”
  • 1 Corinthians 15 4
    He was buried. He was raised from the dead on the third day, just as Scripture said he would be.
  • Luke 23:35-39
    The people stood there watching. The rulers even made fun of Jesus. They said,“ He saved others. Let him save himself if he is God’s Messiah, the Chosen One.”The soldiers also came up and poked fun at him. They offered him wine vinegar.They said,“ If you are the king of the Jews, save yourself.”A written sign had been placed above him. It read, this is the king of the jews.One of the criminals hanging there made fun of Jesus. He said,“ Aren’t you the Messiah? Save yourself! Save us!”
  • Matthew 27:27-44
    The governor’s soldiers took Jesus into the palace, which was called the Praetorium. All the rest of the soldiers gathered around him.They took off his clothes and put a purple robe on him.Then they twisted thorns together to make a crown. They placed it on his head. They put a stick in his right hand. Then they fell on their knees in front of him and made fun of him.“ We honor you, king of the Jews!” they said.They spit on him. They hit him on the head with the stick again and again.After they had made fun of him, they took off the robe. They put his own clothes back on him. Then they led him away to nail him to a cross.On their way out of the city, they met a man from Cyrene. His name was Simon. They forced him to carry the cross.They came to a place called Golgotha. The word Golgotha means the Place of the Skull.There they mixed wine with bitter spices and gave it to Jesus to drink. After tasting it, he refused to drink it.When they had nailed him to the cross, they divided up his clothes by casting lots.They sat down and kept watch over him there.Above his head they placed the written charge against him. It read, this is jesus, the king of the jews.Two rebels against Rome were crucified with him. One was on his right and one was on his left.Those who passed by shouted at Jesus and made fun of him. They shook their headsand said,“ So you are going to destroy the temple and build it again in three days? Then save yourself! Come down from the cross, if you are the Son of God!”In the same way the chief priests, the teachers of the law and the elders made fun of him.“ He saved others,” they said.“ But he can’t save himself! He’s the king of Israel! Let him come down now from the cross! Then we will believe in him.He trusts in God. Let God rescue him now if he wants him. He’s the one who said,‘ I am the Son of God.’ ”In the same way the rebels who were being crucified with Jesus also made fun of him.
  • Luke 23:11
    Herod and his soldiers laughed at him and made fun of him. They dressed him in a beautiful robe. Then they sent him back to Pilate.
  • Mark 15:29-31
    Those who passed by shouted at Jesus and made fun of him. They shook their heads and said,“ So you are going to destroy the temple and build it again in three days?Then come down from the cross! Save yourself!”In the same way the chief priests and the teachers of the law made fun of him among themselves.“ He saved others,” they said.“ But he can’t save himself!
  • Psalms 22:13
    They are like roaring lions that tear to pieces what they kill. They open their mouths wide to attack me.
  • Mark 14:63
    The high priest tore his clothes.“ Why do we need any more witnesses?” he asked.
  • John 19:2-3
    The soldiers twisted thorns together to make a crown. They put it on Jesus’ head. Then they put a purple robe on him.They went up to him again and again. They kept saying,“ We honor you, king of the Jews!” And they slapped him in the face.
  • John 1:17
    In the past, God gave us grace through the law of Moses. Now, grace and truth come to us through Jesus Christ.
  • Matthew 12:39-40
    He answered,“ Evil and unfaithful people ask for a sign! But none will be given except the sign of the prophet Jonah.Jonah was in the belly of a huge fish for three days and three nights. Something like that will happen to the Son of Man. He will spend three days and three nights in the grave.