Matthew 27:24
Now when Pilate saw that he was accomplishing nothing, but rather that a riot was starting, he took water and washed his hands in front of the crowd, saying,“ I am innocent of this Man’s blood; you yourselves shall see.”
Matthew 14:5
Although Herod wanted to put him to death, he feared the crowd, because they regarded John as a prophet.
Matthew 21:26
But if we say,‘ From men,’ we fear the people; for they all regard John as a prophet.”
Mark 14:27
And Jesus* said to them,“ You will all fall away, because it is written:‘ I will strike the shepherd, and the sheep will be scattered.’
Isaiah 46:10
Declaring the end from the beginning, And from ancient times things which have not been done, Saying,‘ My plan will be established, And I will accomplish all My good pleasure’;
Proverbs 19:21
Many plans are in a person’s heart, But the advice of the Lord will stand.
Mark 14:12
On the first day of Unleavened Bread, when the Passover lamb was being sacrificed, His disciples* said to Him,“ Where do You want us to go and prepare for You to eat the Passover?”
Proverbs 21:30
There is no wisdom, no understanding, And no plan against the Lord.
Psalms 76:10
For the wrath of mankind shall praise You; You will encircle Yourself with a remnant of wrath.
Mark 14:2
for they were saying,“ Not during the festival, otherwise there will be a riot of the people.”
Luke 22:7
Now the first day of Unleavened Bread came, on which the Passover lamb had to be sacrificed.
Lamentations 3:37
Who is there who speaks and it comes to pass, Unless the Lord has commanded it?
Luke 20:6
But if we say,‘ From men,’ all the people will stone us to death, since they are convinced that John was a prophet.”
John 18:28
Then they* brought Jesus from Caiaphas into the Praetorium, and it was early; and they themselves did not enter the Praetorium, so that they would not be defiled, but might eat the Passover.
Acts 4:28
to do whatever Your hand and purpose predestined to occur.