1 Peter 5 5
Likewise you younger people, submit yourselves to your elders. Yes, all of you be submissive to one another, and be clothed with humility, for“ God resists the proud, But gives grace to the humble.”
James 4:6
But He gives more grace. Therefore He says:“ God resists the proud, But gives grace to the humble.”
Luke 14:11
For whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.”
Luke 18:14
I tell you, this man went down to his house justified rather than the other; for everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.”
Matthew 18:4
Therefore whoever humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.
Proverbs 29:23
A man’s pride will bring him low, But the humble in spirit will retain honor.
Matthew 5:3
“ Blessed are the poor in spirit, For theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Daniel 4:37
Now I, Nebuchadnezzar, praise and extol and honor the King of heaven, all of whose works are truth, and His ways justice. And those who walk in pride He is able to put down.
Proverbs 15:33
The fear of the Lord is the instruction of wisdom, And before honor is humility.
Job 22:29
When they cast you down, and you say,‘ Exaltation will come!’ Then He will save the humble person.
Proverbs 16:18-19
Pride goes before destruction, And a haughty spirit before a fall.Better to be of a humble spirit with the lowly, Than to divide the spoil with the proud.
Luke 1:51-52
He has shown strength with His arm; He has scattered the proud in the imagination of their hearts.He has put down the mighty from their thrones, And exalted the lowly.
Isaiah 57:15
For thus says the High and Lofty One Who inhabits eternity, whose name is Holy:“ I dwell in the high and holy place, With him who has a contrite and humble spirit, To revive the spirit of the humble, And to revive the heart of the contrite ones.
Psalms 138:6
Though the Lord is on high, Yet He regards the lowly; But the proud He knows from afar.