2 Corinthians 4 5
For we do not proclaim ourselves, but Jesus Christ as Lord, and ourselves as your slaves for Jesus’ sake.
Luke 22:26
Not so with you; instead the one who is greatest among you must become like the youngest, and the leader like the one who serves.
Mark 9:33-35
Then they came to Capernaum. After Jesus was inside the house he asked them,“ What were you discussing on the way?”But they were silent, for on the way they had argued with one another about who was the greatest.After he sat down, he called the twelve and said to them,“ If anyone wants to be first, he must be last of all and servant of all.”
Matthew 18:4
Whoever then humbles himself like this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.
1 Corinthians 9 19-1 Corinthians 9 23
For since I am free from all I can make myself a slave to all, in order to gain even more people.To the Jews I became like a Jew to gain the Jews. To those under the law I became like one under the law( though I myself am not under the law) to gain those under the law.To those free from the law I became like one free from the law( though I am not free from God’s law but under the law of Christ) to gain those free from the law.To the weak I became weak in order to gain the weak. I have become all things to all people, so that by all means I may save some.I do all these things because of the gospel, so that I can be a participant in it.
Acts 20:34-35
You yourselves know that these hands of mine provided for my needs and the needs of those who were with me.By all these things, I have shown you that by working in this way we must help the weak, and remember the words of the Lord Jesus that he himself said,‘ It is more blessed to give than to receive.’”
2 Corinthians 11 23-2 Corinthians 11 27
Are they servants of Christ?( I am talking like I am out of my mind!) I am even more so: with much greater labors, with far more imprisonments, with more severe beatings, facing death many times.Five times I received from the Jews forty lashes less one.Three times I was beaten with a rod. Once I received a stoning. Three times I suffered shipwreck. A night and a day I spent adrift in the open sea.I have been on journeys many times, in dangers from rivers, in dangers from robbers, in dangers from my own countrymen, in dangers from Gentiles, in dangers in the city, in dangers in the wilderness, in dangers at sea, in dangers from false brothers,in hard work and toil, through many sleepless nights, in hunger and thirst, many times without food, in cold and without enough clothing.
2 Corinthians 11 5
For I consider myself not at all inferior to those“ super- apostles.”
Romans 1:14
I am a debtor both to the Greeks and to the barbarians, both to the wise and to the foolish.
2 Corinthians 12 15
Now I will most gladly spend and be spent for your lives! If I love you more, am I to be loved less?