<< Luke 8:52 >>



  • Luke 23:27
    A large number of people followed Jesus. Some were women whose hearts were filled with sorrow. They cried loudly because of him.
  • John 11:4
    When Jesus heard this, he said,“ This sickness will not end in death. No, it is for God’s glory. God’s Son will receive glory because of it.”
  • Genesis 27:34-35
    Esau heard his father’s words. Then he yelled loudly and bitterly. He said to his father,“ Bless me! Bless me too, my father!”But Isaac said,“ Your brother came and tricked me. He took your blessing.”
  • 2 Samuel 18 33
    The king was very upset. He went up to the room over the entrance of the gate and wept. As he went, he said,“ My son Absalom! My son, my son Absalom! I wish I had died instead of you. Absalom! My son, my son!”
  • Jeremiah 9:17-21
    The Lord rules over all. He says,“ Here is something I want you to think about. Send for the women who mourn for the dead. Send for the most skilled among them.”Let them come quickly and weep for us. Let them cry until tears flow from our eyes. Let them weep until water pours out of our eyes.People are heard weeping in Zion. They are saying,“ We are destroyed! We are filled with shame! We must leave our land. Our houses have been torn down.”You women, hear the Lord’ s message. Listen to what he’s saying. Teach your daughters how to mourn for the dead. Teach one another a song of sadness.Death has climbed in through our windows. It has entered our forts. Death has removed the children from the streets. It has taken the young men out of the market.
  • Exodus 24:17
    The people of Israel saw the glory of the Lord. It looked like a fire burning on top of the mountain.
  • Genesis 23:2
    She died at Kiriath Arba. Kiriath Arba is also called Hebron. It’s in the land of Canaan. Sarah’s death made Abraham very sad. He went to the place where her body was lying. There he wept over her.
  • Zechariah 12:10
    “ I will pour out a spirit of grace and prayer on David’s family line. I will also send it on those who live in Jerusalem. They will look to me. I am the one they have pierced. They will mourn over me as someone mourns over an only child who has died. They will be full of sorrow over me. Their sorrow will be just like someone’s sorrow over an oldest son.
  • Mark 5:38-39
    They came to the home of the synagogue leader. There Jesus saw a lot of confusion. People were crying and sobbing loudly.He went inside. Then he said to them,“ Why all this confusion and sobbing? The child is not dead. She is only sleeping.”
  • Matthew 11:17
    “‘ We played the flute for you. But you didn’t dance. We sang a funeral song. But you didn’t become sad.’
  • John 11:11-13
    After he said this, Jesus went on speaking to them.“ Our friend Lazarus has fallen asleep,” he said.“ But I am going there to wake him up.”His disciples replied,“ Lord, if he’s sleeping, he will get better.”Jesus had been speaking about the death of Lazarus. But his disciples thought he meant natural sleep.