<< 利未記 5:17 >>


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  • 施約瑟淺文理新舊約聖經
  • New International Version
    “ If anyone sins and does what is forbidden in any of the Lord’s commands, even though they do not know it, they are guilty and will be held responsible.
  • New International Reader's Version
    “ Suppose someone sins by doing something I command them not to do. Even though they do not know it, they are guilty. They will be held responsible for it.
  • English Standard Version
    “ If anyone sins, doing any of the things that by the Lord’s commandments ought not to be done, though he did not know it, then realizes his guilt, he shall bear his iniquity.
  • New Living Translation
    “ Suppose you sin by violating one of the Lord’s commands. Even if you are unaware of what you have done, you are guilty and will be punished for your sin.
  • Christian Standard Bible
    “ If someone sins and without knowing it violates any of the LORD’s commands concerning anything prohibited, he is guilty, and he will bear his iniquity.
  • New American Standard Bible
    “ Now if a person sins and does any of the things which the Lord has commanded not to be done, though he was unaware, he is still guilty and shall bear his punishment.
  • New King James Version
    “ If a person sins, and commits any of these things which are forbidden to be done by the commandments of the Lord, though he does not know it, yet he is guilty and shall bear his iniquity.
  • American Standard Version
    And if any one sin, and do any of the things which Jehovah hath commanded not to be done; though he knew it not, yet is he guilty, and shall bear his iniquity.
  • Holman Christian Standard Bible
    “ If someone sins and without knowing it violates any of the Lord’s commands concerning anything prohibited, he bears the consequences of his guilt.
  • King James Version
    And if a soul sin, and commit any of these things which are forbidden to be done by the commandments of the LORD; though he wist[ it] not, yet is he guilty, and shall bear his iniquity.
  • New English Translation
    “ If a person sins and violates any of the Lord’s commandments which must not be violated( although he did not know it at the time, but later realizes he is guilty), then he will bear his punishment for iniquity
  • World English Bible
    “ If anyone sins, doing any of the things which Yahweh has commanded not to be done, though he didn’t know it, he is still guilty, and shall bear his iniquity.


  • 利未記 4:27
    「民中若有人行了耶和華所吩咐不可行的甚麼事,誤犯了罪, (cunpt)
  • 利未記 4:13
    「以色列全會眾若行了耶和華所吩咐不可行的甚麼事,誤犯了罪,是隱而未現、會眾看不出來的, (cunpt)
  • 利未記 5:15
    「人若在耶和華的聖物上誤犯了罪,有了過犯,就要照你所估的,按聖所的舍客勒拿銀子,將贖愆祭牲-就是羊羣中一隻沒有殘疾的公綿羊-牽到耶和華面前為贖愆祭; (cunpt)
  • 路加福音 12:48
    惟有那不知道的,做了當受責打的事,必少受責打;因為多給誰,就向誰多取;多託誰,就向誰多要。」 (cunpt)
  • 利未記 5:1-2
    「若有人聽見發誓的聲音,他本是見證,卻不把所看見的、所知道的說出來,這就是罪;他要擔當他的罪孽。或是有人摸了不潔的物,無論是不潔的死獸,是不潔的死畜,是不潔的死蟲,他卻不知道,因此成了不潔,就有了罪。 (cunpt)
  • 詩篇 19:12
    誰能知道自己的錯失呢?願你赦免我隱而未現的過錯。 (cunpt)
  • 利未記 4:22
    「官長若行了耶和華-他神所吩咐不可行的甚麼事,誤犯了罪, (cunpt)
  • 利未記 4:2-4
    「你曉諭以色列人說:若有人在耶和華所吩咐不可行的甚麼事上誤犯了一件,或是受膏的祭司犯罪,使百姓陷在罪裏,就當為他所犯的罪把沒有殘疾的公牛犢獻給耶和華為贖罪祭。他要牽公牛到會幕門口,在耶和華面前按手在牛的頭上,把牛宰於耶和華面前。 (cunpt)
  • 羅馬書 14:23
    若有疑心而吃的,就必有罪,因為他吃不是出於信心。凡不出於信心的都是罪。 (cunpt)