<< Leviticus 26:19 >>



  • Deuteronomy 28:23
    The sky above you will be like bronze. The ground beneath you will be like iron.
  • Jeremiah 13:9
    “ In the same way, I will destroy Judah’s pride. And I will destroy the great pride of Jerusalem.
  • Jeremiah 14:1-6
    A message from the Lord came to Jeremiah. He told Jeremiah there wouldn’t be any rain in the land. The Lord said,“ Judah is filled with sadness. Its cities are wasting away. The people weep for the land. Crying is heard in Jerusalem.The nobles send their servants to get water. They go to the wells. But they do not find any water. They return with empty jars. They are terrified. They do not have any hope. They cover their heads.The ground is dry and cracked. There isn’t any rain in the land. The farmers are terrified. They cover their heads.Even the female deer in the fields desert their newborn fawns. There isn’t any grass to eat.Wild donkeys stand on the bare hilltops. They long for water as wild dogs do. Their eyesight fails because they do not have any food to eat.”
  • Isaiah 25:11
    They will try to swim their way out of it. They will spread out their hands in it, just as swimmers spread out their hands to swim. But God will bring down Moab’s pride. None of their skill will help them.
  • 1 Kings 17 1
    Elijah was from Tishbe in the land of Gilead. He said to Ahab,“ I serve the Lord. He is the God of Israel. You can be sure that he lives. And you can be just as sure that there won’t be any dew or rain on the whole land. There won’t be any during the next few years. It won’t come until I say so.”
  • 1 Samuel 4 3
    The rest of the Israelite soldiers returned to camp. Then the elders asked them,“ Why did the Lord let the Philistines win the battle over us today? Let’s bring the ark of the Lord’ s covenant from Shiloh. Let’s take it with us. Then the Lord will save us from the power of our enemies.”
  • Isaiah 26:5
    He brings down those who are proud. He pulls down cities that have high walls. They fall down flat on the ground. He throws them down to the dust.
  • Zephaniah 3:11
    Jerusalem, you have done many wrong things to me. But at that time you will not be put to shame anymore. That’s because I will remove from this city those who think so highly of themselves. You will never be proud again on my holy mountain of Zion.
  • Luke 4:25
    I tell you for sure that there were many widows in Israel in the days of Elijah. And there had been no rain for three and a half years. There wasn’t enough food to eat anywhere in the land.
  • 1 Samuel 4 11
    The ark of God was captured. And Eli’s two sons Hophni and Phinehas died.
  • Daniel 4:37
    Now I, Nebuchadnezzar, give praise and honor and glory to the King of heaven. Everything he does is right. All his ways are fair. He is able to bring down those who live proudly.
  • Ezekiel 7:24
    I will bring the most evil nations against them. They will take over the houses in the city. I will put an end to the pride of those who are mighty. Their holy places will be made“ unclean.”
  • Ezekiel 30:6
    The Lord says,“ Those who were going to help Egypt will die. The strength Egypt was so proud of will fail. Its people will be killed by swords from Migdol all the way to Aswan,” announces the Lord and King.
  • Isaiah 2:12
    The Lord who rules over all has set apart a day when he will judge. He has set it apart for all those who are proud and think they are important. He has set it apart for all those who brag about themselves. All of them will be brought low.