Joseph was a Levite from Cyprus. The apostles called him Barnabas. The name Barnabas means Son of Help.Barnabas sold a field he owned. He brought the money from the sale. He put it down at the apostles’ feet.
“ Command the Israelites to give the Levites towns to live in. The towns must come from the shares of land the people will have as their own. Also give the Levites the grasslands around the towns.Then the Levites will have towns to live in. They will also have grasslands for their cattle and all their other livestock.“ The grasslands around each town you give them will go out to 1,500 feet from the town wall.Outside each town, the east side will measure 3,000 feet. So will the south side, the west side and the north side. The town must be in the center. And the Levites will own the grasslands around each town.