<< Leviticus 24:22 >>



  • Exodus 12:49
    The same law applies to Israelites and to outsiders living among you.”
  • Numbers 9:14
    “‘ What if there is an outsider living among you? And what if they want to celebrate the Lord’ s Passover? Then they must obey its rules and laws. You must have the same laws for outsiders as you do for the Israelites.’ ”
  • Leviticus 19:34
    Treat them as if they were one of your own people. Love them as you love yourself. Remember that all of you were outsiders in Egypt. I am the Lord your God.
  • Numbers 15:15-16
    The community must have the same rules for you and for any outsider living among you. This law will last for all time to come. In the sight of the Lord, the law applies both to you and any outsider.The same laws and rules will apply to you and to any outsider living among you.’ ”
  • Numbers 15:29
    The same law applies to everyone who sins without meaning to. It does not matter whether they are an Israelite or an outsider.
  • Leviticus 17:10
    “‘ Suppose someone eats meat that still has blood in it. It does not matter whether they are an Israelite or an outsider. I will turn against them if they eat it. I will separate them from their people.