<< Leviticus 19:18 >>


  • New International Reader's Version
    “‘ Do not try to get even. Do not hold anything against any of your people. Instead, love your neighbor as you love yourself. I am the Lord.
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  • 施約瑟淺文理新舊約聖經
  • New International Version
    “‘ Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against anyone among your people, but love your neighbor as yourself. I am the Lord.
  • English Standard Version
    You shall not take vengeance or bear a grudge against the sons of your own people, but you shall love your neighbor as yourself: I am the Lord.
  • New Living Translation
    “ Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against a fellow Israelite, but love your neighbor as yourself. I am the Lord.
  • Christian Standard Bible
    Do not take revenge or bear a grudge against members of your community, but love your neighbor as yourself; I am the LORD.
  • New American Standard Bible
    You shall not take vengeance, nor hold any grudge against the sons of your people, but you shall love your neighbor as yourself; I am the Lord.
  • New King James Version
    You shall not take vengeance, nor bear any grudge against the children of your people, but you shall love your neighbor as yourself: I am the Lord.
  • American Standard Version
    Thou shalt not take vengeance, nor bear any grudge against the children of thy people; but thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself: I am Jehovah.
  • Holman Christian Standard Bible
    Do not take revenge or bear a grudge against members of your community, but love your neighbor as yourself; I am Yahweh.
  • King James Version
    Thou shalt not avenge, nor bear any grudge against the children of thy people, but thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself: I[ am] the LORD.
  • New English Translation
    You must not take vengeance or bear a grudge against the children of your people, but you must love your neighbor as yourself. I am the LORD.
  • World English Bible
    “‘ You shall not take vengeance, nor bear any grudge against the children of your people; but you shall love your neighbor as yourself. I am Yahweh.


  • Romans 13:9
    Here are some commandments to think about.“ Do not commit adultery.”“ Do not commit murder.”“ Do not steal.”“ Do not want what belongs to others.”( Exodus 20:13–15, 17; Deuteronomy 5:17–19, 21) These and all other commands are included in one command. Here’s what it is.“ Love your neighbor as you love yourself.”( Leviticus 19:18)
  • Galatians 5:14
    The whole law is fulfilled by obeying this one command.“ Love your neighbor as you love yourself.”( Leviticus 19:18)
  • James 2:8
    The royal law is found in Scripture. It says,“ Love your neighbor as you love yourself.”( Leviticus 19:18) If you really keep this law, you are doing what is right.
  • Matthew 22:39-40
    And the second is like it.‘ Love your neighbor as you love yourself.’( Leviticus 19:18)Everything that is written in the Law and the Prophets is based on these two commandments.”
  • Mark 12:31-34
    And here is the second one.‘ Love your neighbor as you love yourself.’( Leviticus 19:18) There is no commandment more important than these.”“ You have spoken well, teacher,” the man replied.“ You are right in saying that God is one. There is no other God but him.To love God with all your heart and mind and strength is very important. So is loving your neighbor as you love yourself. These things are more important than all burnt offerings and sacrifices.”Jesus saw that the man had answered wisely. He said to him,“ You are not far from God’s kingdom.” From then on, no one dared to ask Jesus any more questions.
  • Luke 10:27-37
    He answered,“‘ Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul. Love him with all your strength and with all your mind.’( Deuteronomy 6:5) And,‘ Love your neighbor as you love yourself.’ ”( Leviticus 19:18)“ You have answered correctly,” Jesus replied.“ Do that, and you will live.”But the man wanted to make himself look good. So he asked Jesus,“ And who is my neighbor?”Jesus replied,“ A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho. Robbers attacked him. They stripped off his clothes and beat him. Then they went away, leaving him almost dead.A priest happened to be going down that same road. When he saw the man, he passed by on the other side.A Levite also came by. When he saw the man, he passed by on the other side too.But a Samaritan came to the place where the man was. When he saw the man, he felt sorry for him.He went to him, poured olive oil and wine on his wounds and bandaged them. Then he put the man on his own donkey. He brought him to an inn and took care of him.The next day he took out two silver coins. He gave them to the owner of the inn.‘ Take care of him,’ he said.‘ When I return, I will pay you back for any extra expense you may have.’“ Which of the three do you think was a neighbor to the man who was attacked by robbers?”The authority on the law replied,“ The one who felt sorry for him.” Jesus told him,“ Go and do as he did.”
  • Matthew 19:19
    Honor your father and mother.’( Exodus 20:12–16; Deuteronomy 5:16–20) And‘ love your neighbor as you love yourself.’ ”( Leviticus 19:18)
  • Romans 12:19
    My dear friends, don’t try to get even. Leave room for God to show his anger. It is written,“ I am the God who judges people. I will pay them back,”( Deuteronomy 32:35) says the Lord.
  • Matthew 5:43-44
    “ You have heard that it was said,‘ Love your neighbor.( Leviticus 19:18) Hate your enemy.’But here is what I tell you. Love your enemies. Pray for those who hurt you.
  • Exodus 23:4-5
    “ Suppose you come across your enemy’s ox or donkey wandering away. Then be sure to return it.Suppose you see that the donkey of someone who hates you has fallen down under its load. Then do not leave it there. Be sure you help them with it.
  • Matthew 19:16
    Just then, a man came up to Jesus. He asked,“ Teacher, what good thing must I do to receive eternal life?”
  • Romans 13:4
    The one in authority serves God for your good. But if you do wrong, watch out! Rulers don’t carry a sword for no reason at all. They serve God. And God is carrying out his anger through them. The ruler punishes anyone who does wrong.
  • 2 Samuel 13 28
    Absalom ordered his men,“ Listen! When Amnon has had too much wine to drink, I’ll say to you,‘ Strike Amnon down.’ When I do, kill him. Don’t be afraid. I’ve given you an order, haven’t I? Be strong and brave.”
  • Romans 12:17
    Don’t pay back evil with evil. Be careful to do what everyone thinks is right.
  • Proverbs 20:22
    Don’t say,“ I’ll get even with you for the wrong you did to me!” Wait for the Lord, and he will make things right for you.
  • Deuteronomy 32:25
    In the streets their children will be killed by swords. Their homes will be filled with terror. The young men and women will die. The babies and old people will die.
  • Ephesians 4:31
    Get rid of all hard feelings, anger and rage. Stop all fighting and lying. Don’t have anything to do with any kind of hatred.
  • Colossians 3:8
    But now here are the kinds of things you must also get rid of. You must get rid of anger, rage, hate and lies. Let no dirty words come out of your mouths.
  • Hebrews 10:30
    We know the God who said,“ I am the God who judges people. I will pay them back.”( Deuteronomy 32:35) Scripture also says,“ The Lord will judge his people.”( Deuteronomy 32:36; Psalm 135:14)
  • Galatians 5:20
    It includes worshiping statues of gods and worshiping evil powers. It also includes hatred and fighting, jealousy and fits of anger. Sinful desire is interested only in getting ahead. It stirs up trouble. It separates people into their own little groups.
  • 1 Peter 2 1
    So get rid of every kind of evil, and stop telling lies. Don’t pretend to be something you are not. Stop wanting what others have, and don’t speak against one another.
  • 2 Samuel 13 22
    And Absalom never said a word of any kind to Amnon. He hated Amnon because he had brought shame on his sister Tamar.
  • Psalms 103:9
    He won’t keep bringing charges against us. He won’t stay angry with us forever.