<< 利未記 19:13 >>


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  • 施約瑟淺文理新舊約聖經
  • New International Version
    “‘ Do not defraud or rob your neighbor.“‘ Do not hold back the wages of a hired worker overnight.
  • New International Reader's Version
    “‘ Do not cheat your neighbor. Do not rob him.“‘ Do not hold back the pay of a hired worker until morning.
  • English Standard Version
    “ You shall not oppress your neighbor or rob him. The wages of a hired worker shall not remain with you all night until the morning.
  • New Living Translation
    “ Do not defraud or rob your neighbor.“ Do not make your hired workers wait until the next day to receive their pay.
  • Christian Standard Bible
    “ Do not oppress your neighbor or rob him. The wages due a hired worker must not remain with you until morning.
  • New American Standard Bible
    ‘ You shall not oppress your neighbor, nor rob him. The wages of a hired worker are not to remain with you all night until morning.
  • New King James Version
    ‘ You shall not cheat your neighbor, nor rob him. The wages of him who is hired shall not remain with you all night until morning.
  • American Standard Version
    Thou shalt not oppress thy neighbor, nor rob him: the wages of a hired servant shall not abide with thee all night until the morning.
  • Holman Christian Standard Bible
    “ You must not oppress your neighbor or rob him. The wages due a hired hand must not remain with you until morning.
  • King James Version
    Thou shalt not defraud thy neighbour, neither rob[ him]: the wages of him that is hired shall not abide with thee all night until the morning.
  • New English Translation
    You must not oppress your neighbor or commit robbery against him. You must not withhold the wages of the hired laborer overnight until morning.
  • World English Bible
    “‘ You shall not oppress your neighbor, nor rob him.“‘ The wages of a hired servant shall not remain with you all night until the morning.


  • 雅各書 5:4
    工人給你們收割莊稼,你們虧欠他們的工錢,這工錢有聲音呼叫,並且那收割之人的冤聲已經入了萬軍之主的耳了。 (cunpt)
  • 瑪拉基書 3:5
    萬軍之耶和華說:「我必臨近你們,施行審判。我必速速作見證,警戒行邪術的、犯姦淫的、起假誓的、虧負人之工價的、欺壓寡婦孤兒的、屈枉寄居的,和不敬畏我的。」 (cunpt)
  • 申命記 24:14-15
    「困苦窮乏的雇工,無論是你的弟兄或是在你城裏寄居的,你不可欺負他。要當日給他工價,不可等到日落-因為他窮苦,把心放在工價上-恐怕他因你求告耶和華,罪便歸你了。 (cunpt)
  • 箴言 20:10
    兩樣的法碼,兩樣的升斗,都為耶和華所憎惡。 (cunpt)
  • 約伯記 31:39
    我若吃地的出產不給價值,或叫原主喪命; (cunpt)
  • 耶利米書 22:3
    耶和華如此說:你們要施行公平和公義,拯救被搶奪的脫離欺壓人的手,不可虧負寄居的和孤兒寡婦,不可以強暴待他們,在這地方也不可流無辜人的血。 (cunpt)
  • 馬可福音 10:19
    誡命你是曉得的:不可殺人;不可姦淫;不可偷盜;不可作假見證;不可虧負人;當孝敬父母。」 (cunpt)
  • 出埃及記 22:24-27
    並要發烈怒,用刀殺你們,使你們的妻子為寡婦,兒女為孤兒。「我民中有貧窮人與你同住,你若借錢給他,不可如放債的向他取利。你即或拿鄰舍的衣服作當頭,必在日落以先歸還他;因他只有這一件當蓋頭,是他蓋身的衣服,若是沒有,他拿甚麼睡覺呢?他哀求我,我就應允,因為我是有恩惠的。 (cunpt)
  • 以西結書 22:29
    國內眾民一味地欺壓,慣行搶奪,虧負困苦窮乏的,背理欺壓寄居的。 (cunpt)
  • 出埃及記 22:8-9
    若找不到賊,那家主必就近審判官,要看看他拿了原主的物件沒有。「兩個人的案件,無論是為甚麼過犯,或是為牛,為驢,為羊,為衣裳,或是為甚麼失掉之物,有一人說:『這是我的』,兩造就要將案件稟告審判官,審判官定誰有罪,誰就要加倍賠還。 (cunpt)
  • 耶利米書 22:13
    那行不義蓋房、行不公造樓、白白使用人的手工不給工價的有禍了! (cunpt)
  • 箴言 22:22
    貧窮人,你不可因他貧窮就搶奪他的物,也不可在城門口欺壓困苦人; (cunpt)
  • 利未記 6:3
    或是在撿了遺失的物上行了詭詐,說謊起誓,在這一切的事上犯了甚麼罪; (cunpt)
  • 帖撒羅尼迦前書 4:6
    不要一個人在這事上越分,欺負他的弟兄;因為這一類的事,主必報應,正如我預先對你們說過、又切切囑咐你們的。 (cunpt)
  • 出埃及記 22:15
    若本主同在一處,他就不必賠還;若是雇的,也不必賠還,本是為雇價來的。」 (cunpt)
  • 出埃及記 22:13
    若被野獸撕碎,看守的要帶來當作證據,所撕的不必賠還。 (cunpt)
  • 出埃及記 22:21
    「不可虧負寄居的,也不可欺壓他,因為你們在埃及地也作過寄居的。 (cunpt)
  • 路加福音 3:13
    約翰說:「除了例定的數目,不要多取。」 (cunpt)