“‘ Suppose a man sleeps with that woman. And suppose blood from her monthly period touches him. Then he will be“ unclean” for seven days. Any bed he lies on will be“ unclean.”
“‘ Suppose a man has sex with a woman during her monthly period. He has uncovered the place where her bleeding was coming from. And she has let him do it. So both of them must be separated from their people.
And he does not eat at the mountain temples. He does not worship the statues of Israel’s gods. He does not sleep with another man’s wife. He does not have sex with his own wife during her monthly period.
“‘ Suppose a woman is having her regular monthly period. Then for seven days she will be“ unclean.” Anyone who touches her will be“ unclean” until evening.
“ Speak to the Israelites. Tell them,‘ Suppose a woman becomes pregnant and has a baby boy. Then she will be“ unclean” for seven days. It is the same as when she is“ unclean” during her monthly period.