Psalms 89:32
I will punish their sin with the rod, their iniquity with flogging;
Psalms 88:11-16
Is your love declared in the grave, your faithfulness in Destruction?Are your wonders known in the place of darkness, or your righteous deeds in the land of oblivion?But I cry to you for help, Lord; in the morning my prayer comes before you.Why, Lord, do you reject me and hide your face from me?From my youth I have suffered and been close to death; I have borne your terrors and am in despair.Your wrath has swept over me; your terrors have destroyed me.
Hosea 11:8-9
“ How can I give you up, Ephraim? How can I hand you over, Israel? How can I treat you like Admah? How can I make you like Zeboyim? My heart is changed within me; all my compassion is aroused.I will not carry out my fierce anger, nor will I devastate Ephraim again. For I am God, and not a man— the Holy One among you. I will not come against their cities.
Hebrews 12:11-12
No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.Therefore, strengthen your feeble arms and weak knees.
Numbers 20:12
But the Lord said to Moses and Aaron,“ Because you did not trust in me enough to honor me as holy in the sight of the Israelites, you will not bring this community into the land I give them.”
Job 13:15
Though he slay me, yet will I hope in him; I will surely defend my ways to his face.
Job 9:14
“ How then can I dispute with him? How can I find words to argue with him?
Revelation 3:19
Those whom I love I rebuke and discipline. So be earnest and repent.
Job 4:5
But now trouble comes to you, and you are discouraged; it strikes you, and you are dismayed.
Luke 1:20
And now you will be silent and not able to speak until the day this happens, because you did not believe my words, which will come true at their appointed time.”
Job 30:15-31
Terrors overwhelm me; my dignity is driven away as by the wind, my safety vanishes like a cloud.“ And now my life ebbs away; days of suffering grip me.Night pierces my bones; my gnawing pains never rest.In his great power God becomes like clothing to me; he binds me like the neck of my garment.He throws me into the mud, and I am reduced to dust and ashes.“ I cry out to you, God, but you do not answer; I stand up, but you merely look at me.You turn on me ruthlessly; with the might of your hand you attack me.You snatch me up and drive me before the wind; you toss me about in the storm.I know you will bring me down to death, to the place appointed for all the living.“ Surely no one lays a hand on a broken man when he cries for help in his distress.Have I not wept for those in trouble? Has not my soul grieved for the poor?Yet when I hoped for good, evil came; when I looked for light, then came darkness.The churning inside me never stops; days of suffering confront me.I go about blackened, but not by the sun; I stand up in the assembly and cry for help.I have become a brother of jackals, a companion of owls.My skin grows black and peels; my body burns with fever.My lyre is tuned to mourning, and my pipe to the sound of wailing.